Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chaopter 12 The Cadet Training Centre

Instead of sacking me,the Manager chose to torment me by demoting  me to the Cadet Training Center.To me there was an abuse of power by the great white Manager.By right he should have retained me and extend my probation for another three months.Not adhering to that he ought to have sacked me instantly.

He did  neither but chose to demote me to the Center.Well.I had no where to turn to, except to receive those torments forfeiting my pride.It was sheer embarrassment for me all the way.I think the ability to with stand all those abuses proved that I am indeed a survival. However the sole consolation was they did not reduced my allowance.

The ability to face reality with a thick skin was in fact a stage of awakening for me.All great men faced failures many a times before they actually achieved some thing to remember by.Many in my position would had called it quit but never  for me, I dare dreamed dreams of a better future with my short comings.Knowing that failures were the mother of success.

There were jeering behind my back but those never bothered me a wee bit.I just looked ahead of me.Those training in the Center were three other much junior planters and I had to dwelt with their unkind looks.Losers had nothing to lose and should I failed here also,I lose nothing more as I be in square one.In any case I was still paid as when I was a probationary Assistant.

The Training Manager was bias towards my presence from the very beginning.He was a retired Chief Clerk and promoted to training Manager.To me he required more training than I do,for he taught us nothing except his "Catherine's wheel".

Neither were his outward appearance as he walked ,like a duck with mustache of "Hitler". This Indian fellow apparently thought he was like Hitler.To me this was the type that buttered the Manager to the top while a clerk.I have seen many his kind long time ago.He was a black European.I mean there were nothing outstanding in him which would qualify him that position.

To me the whole set up were shady.He never maintained hi sown records instead used another cadet to kept his records for him.Just imagine awarding another trainee access to his keys and the rest seemingly untrustworthy.Technically this had been going on while he was Training Manager.

This was not to discredit him but these were what were happening all the while.In every batch of cadets that passed through him he had some favorites.Every batch had only three to four cadets and yet he favors certain cadets and was bias to who he never like.I was within this culture and therefore knew what was going on.

Having access to the Training Manager's drawers meant a lot.That was why  these favorites  could do so well in their class tests etc.They before hand what any question to expect  for those examinations. Also to rectify any wrongs with a rewrite of the test papers.I am not accusing blindly as these were the truth.All the other cadets can bear me witness should they still be alive.

Even the Manager had no favorites among the trainees I know for certain that there were duplicate keys of the  Manager's circulating among them.A sort of inheritance which were passed down the line.To me many such training centers of prestigious firms were really no big deal.Nothing to be proud of.Of course I took a beating before I knew them.

The proper training was mostly learning all by our selves.We were all left alone to find our ways around.For me it was seriously a refreshing course or getting acclimatizing to the whole frame  work of a planter or a planter in Agency ran plantation.There were however no denying that my outlook improved tremendously..

I therefore emerged a better and smarter planter.It allowed me to rethink my future,to be in it or leave it for good.I had high hopes that they gave me a second chance but somehow I receive no such honor to serve them ever again.Despite my passing the Estate Practice Examination(rubber).

That really hurts my ego.However when the final crunch came I fumbled badly at their final examination.I not only did badly in its written tests not that I do not know the answers.I miserably fell into a  nervous break down.My hands were moving properly shaking feverishly. I wrote that test with unsteady shaky hand with my thoughts hay wired.

Neither was I well when giving the oral examinations and was mumbling sheer nonsense brainlessly. I was not listening and thinking properly.I was  simply confused and therefore did not present  myself pleasantly or impressively at all.

When the results finally came to the Center,the beaming Training Manger announced the result to me with a board smile.So cruel was his smile that it broke my heart completely.He even allowed to leave immediately thus saving another two months allowances for his Company.What a great achievement for a black European Manager.

Had I passed it would have caused him much embarrassment because he had given me one of the worst report in the history of the training Center.This one battle I so badly but I shall prevail.It was not the end of the world.With that it ended my nightmare in that Company.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chapter 11 Foreign Plantaton Agency - No Big Deal

It was every young planters dream to be secured in the well established agency houses like Kumpulan Guthrie's.So much beautiful scenarios had been portrayed about it .It was no place for honest and sincere planters,I assure You.Of course there were much more to these,just read on.

 I was in it to face its reality,an experience of nightmares I would never forget. I can tell you it was really no big deal but a huge bundle of shit.To me it was a place where the crows of these world gathered. Racists existed with its henchmen or cronies.

To survive there you must joined them or faced certain exterminations beyond your wildest dreams.That corporate ladder they claimed every one involved should know how to climb.To them I was damn dumb and made a joker because I was new and was not well versed or accustomed to their type of game.Further these people were bias and favors who know how to butter them.

There were clique among themselves and should you wrongly moved into one  of them.You would be gonna,just like me.I was written off for the simplest of all reasons..I was one recruited by someone whom many seen to disrespect.There were difference of opinion or jealousy among themselves with each trying to out do the other.

I was unfortunately crushed in between two warring groups.So being recruited by the top does not warrant safety down at the grass root level Apparently I was victimized from the very beginning..Things like  not knowing a botanical name of a weed and adhering wrongly to per Manager's instruction.

Having no experiences in the transplanting of a legume creeper known as Trilobla.The instruction was to transplant with one knob which I did.Initially I had seek the advised from a fellow assistant who told me weakly to follow the Manager's order which I did.

I thus established those cuttings with a single knob and the whole project was a total flop.The Manager jumped like an Ape when he saw the folly I had committed.I told him that I was following his instruction.Of course that was wrong because Trilobla had to be planted with two knobs i.e with one exposing while the other end laid buried within the soil.

I admitted that I was ignorant then.That was a trap set by the Manager knowing very well that I would not know how to plant those cuttings.Neither would the other Assistants whose advice I had also seek.With no other guidance I therefore adhered closely as per instruction.Well had he requested me to plant rubber budded stump upside down I would gladly do so as ordered.

The whole idea of penalizing me  was in discriminating the one who made the decision to recruit me.I was thus the scrape goat.My passing the Estate Practice Examination (Rubber) while many senior Assistants failed  proved that point. They practically ignored the whole matter.

Thus my respect for the Incorporated Society Of Planters evaporated.I had always admired and trusted that that Society was a force in Planting to reckon with,but my passing that particular examination was not recognized proved a point.The I.S.P.was never that.It was a Society for show only nothing more.That was why I left that Society for good since 1967.  

Now coming back to the time I joined them in June 1966  joining their plantation in Sengkang Estate,Port Dickson.I initially attached to Sk.11 Division.The division was fully matured rubber .

There I was allowed to reside in a bungalow away from every body.A lonely but beautiful bungalow but surprising nothing good could be said of its water supply.My water supply was from a shallow well filled with rubber leaves with its top a thin film of rust.

Apparently that had been left ideal for quite some time.I was about to clean it within that month when another order came ordering me to shift to another Division.So I left it as it was.I was transferred off because according to them that division was mean for someone more senior so I had to clear off.

That Division was not without problems.Off hand I could foresee those cattle  problems because many of its labor force were keeping cows,which undoubted had created a lot of domestic troubles not to mention those debarking of young trees and the caused of brown blast among trees where cattle were stationed.Well at least now it was off my hands having to go another division.

So  Sungai Raya Division there I went.It was a division in the interior or rather it was a division clipped between the estate another estate.The utmost important of this division was its main road I was told.This was so because daily the daily crop of all other fields and plantation would passed through it.The road therefore must kept well maintained.The Assistant was answerable to any mishap along this road.

The Division was a young plantation with fields slowly coming into maturity.My initial duties were the maintenance of all the fields and most important to take a census of tappable trees in a maturing area.Other major work consisted of pruning of wind prone clonal fields and the eradication of "bamboo grass".

However here no matter how hard  I tried to get adjusted to their ways to a please the Manager,he seem to have a grievious opinion of me.Everything I performed does not seem to meet his requirements.That old man was difficult to please.He also did not like the way I dressed. Collarless T-shirts with very short pants.Even if I were to discard those I required time and money.I was given none.

For example when you have a list of work in progress in certain field,where a large concentrate of laborers were involved The immediate action for me was to see all these fields ran smoothly first before looking into smaller priorities.That was the worst part and I just did that.The Manager instead of looking into those he looked into the smallest of all work first.

He unfortunately found the budded stumps I had instructed to be replanted not properly planted and jumped at me like an ape refusing to listen to any explanations.There were no justification in his his rage.He expected me to leave those major work to the stupid conductor and to attend to his instruction first,where the logic.

I had a beautiful bungalow to dwelt though with good wholesome water supply but soon had to surrender them to the Training Manager.I had hardly resided there for a month before being dislodged to live with another bachelor Assistant in the main division.

The Manager equipped me with a huge old junky motor cycle which was overwhelmingly heavily.Too heavily for me actually to handle.There was nothing I could do but to accept that because I had no transport of my own.It was an overran bic with fuel licking from its carburetor

At the bungalow of the main division I was given a tiny room. and had to share the food bills plus the servant's allowance.The small room was in fact a baby's room attached to the master bedroom with bathroom  attached.I however was given full access to that bathroom while the other Assistant made used of the master bedroom had the other bathroom.

That arrangement never bothered me much but the maid behavior was the worst lest  I could expect. She acted as though I was depriving her master of her service..Making me harboring false imagination that she was the other Assistant's mistress.Should that be the case then that man had poor tastes.

She apparently had some charm over him that really irked me tremendously as I dared not touched the food she prepared unless her master first devour them first.Whenever alone in the house I dare not even consumed the food she served  me.Anyway her hawk eyed behavior always had me on my toes.That lean, skinny with weary looks of that old bitch had me on my wits.

On top of that I was told not to start  my motorcucle early in the morning but allowed it to roll down hill and ignite it at the extreme end of the hill road. Lest, my starting the bic could disturbed the Manager in his dreams.Most important keep the Manager from tracking our movements every morning.What stupidity were those ideas,i really could not comprehend till today?.

To me an Assistant was to assist the Manager in running the plantation as economically as possible.Not knowing the botanical names of certain grasses were immaterial,making profits for the plantation utmost important.Neither were juggling of figures in the estimates  to make the accounts looked impressive were surely misleading things I learned while attached there.

While in Sungei Raya division the Manager went on leave for three months.The senior Assistant took full charged of the plantation and all work went on smoothly.I as usual went about the same Initially I had my  meals taken care of by another Senior Assistant.I owed much to that gentleman because as I landed into trouble with my motor cycle he loaned. 

When it was slightly damaged he never forced me to have it repaired it.I took meals at his house for about a month and he did not take anything from me when I offered to pay him a token sum.Perhaps that amount was too little but when I pressed on he advised me to forget it.What then can I say?.Well,his kindness would always be in my mind.That gentleman was none other than Mr Liew Yoon Keong.Thereafter I had my meals at the main division's bungalow.

Another awful thing I learned was that most plantation Manager were fully corrupted.Before he went on leave a lavish party was thrown for his departure by the main contractor,a Mr,Ma.Of course we were also not left out and had to go along with it.

We were pampered a ten course dinner at a restaurant in Seremban.Thereafter adjorned to the nearby night club where we were accompanied with some dance hostesses.To me that contractor must have been making a lot of money from the plantation to have thrown such lavish outing for the Manager.Mind you he was only going on leave.God knows what other goodies he received after the dinner when he board his plane for the beginning of his holidays.

When he finally returned he lashed out at me giving me a fantastically bad report demoting me to tranee Assistatnt.That he did despite his three months absence.That to me was always ridiculous. That truly proved my point that he was bias without the slightest doubt.To me it was he that ought to be sacked not me. My crimes were too petty compared with his  follies as a Manager.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chapter 10 Girls Girls Here I Come

At Bentong Estate,I was just a lonely boy,lonely and blue.I dwelt in sweet dreams of winning the heart of a certain girl but fate had it that I was way off target.

Now that I had the simplest of all qualification my destination could be aimed at.Very true that qualification can lead me not far but there was nothing i can do to improve that.Well I can not ask for what were beyond my own ability but I can worked hard to achieve something 

So with my experiences in planting of rubber I applied to be cadet planter of some Agency.Daily thereafter I would watch out for advertisement for those positions.I need not wait long before I saw the Guthrie ad. for cadet planters and applied for it.While my application went in I kept my fingers crossed. 

Meanwhile the Manager sent to various courses at the Rubber Research Institute.He also sent me to the Outward Bound School,Lumut for leadership training.Besides all those I also went for examinations offered by the Incorporated Society Of Planters.Initially I sat for the Soils Science examination and obtained an instant passed but I did not get through with the Estate Practice (rubber)paper.

Those days  I had no intention of chasing any girls then but that soon changed drastically when my brother brought me news that the one I had loved had married.Got married,that was the most unbelievable and impossible news I ever received.Yes,I was stunned and felt dumbfounded.

That really sunk my heart.I was deeply hurt by that news. which I had never anticipated.Had I been a brave man that would have  been my final days on earth but never I turned coward.I never dared or dreaded those moments.I grieved over but had no guts to finish myself over it.

Fate indeed had been cruel to me.Should that be fated I therefore had to accept it graciously most important I got to live on.There were so many more beautiful girls around.I tried consoling myself by going all out to seek a replacement?. A replacement???????

.I begin dating girls left, right and in the center.A young man like me definitely went places.But admittedly,it was impossible to forget that girl, lest not to think of another replacement it would never come.Stupidly I still dwelt in my dreams.

There were so many to select from but none came close to her in all respects.I had many dreams about her for many a night which ended with my eyes drenched in tears.Tears shed without a cause now that she was gone for good.

Many girls infatuated me initially but after a  date or two it was always a sad good-bye.Those affairs though affectionate were could not erased the images of her. Those memories continued to haunt me.It came back on and on piercing on my thoughts of her.

Most girls I met were extremely nice and very charming but failed to convince me to forget her.I disappointed all of them and left them in a lurch.No,not that I was  a playboy as most portrayed me as one.. For I left them without dishonoring them. in any way.

Should not willing to continue any relationship be classified as heartless.It would had been worst should I continued those relationship and led them and me into serious temptations without loving any of them.That would be jilting them.That would hurt them most.

I believe it was a heinous sin to begin a relationship with them for start.Infatuation can led us astray and to withdraw in time would had served us both better.Admittedly many girls did really loved me but what were our lives be should the love be only one sided.Can it survived?????.

They say,"Terminating the relationship earlier do not  hurt so much but extending the affair further could disastrous for both". In reality in the last episode I did made a final decision in selecting one of them to marry one of them.

In the moment of glory and in happiness I was blinded by many well wishers and thus making a choice was difficult It was  during the moment of despair where life seem so difficult to bear that the truth were exposed.That would be the moment of decisive decision.The selection would than be limited to either one or nil...

I met my wife while in Bentong.She was a lovey ,slim hair dresser when I met her.We dated for sometime while I also saw other girls.I dropped her as usual for the same reason which I think hurt her very much,so much so that she left her home town thereafter to work else where.

Then I dated other girls which did not worked out the way I wanted them be.Similarly all were never better than the one I left behind in my home town.I flirted around without making a choice.As usual I would ride to town with friends chasing girls every where.

One of my childhood friend came and worked for me.He was Chong Suan Hoe and with him we went after s couple of girls from the Lipas New Village of Bentong.He  courted a girl much older than him much to the dismay of his mother.

Of course she had a friend whom I could had made love to but I left her alone.Could yo believe that.Girl served on a platter and I did noteven touch her????. Well,I had the policy that should you not love the girl do not harm her.That what I did?.Had it been a wolf she would have been eaten alive.

While in Bentong there were at least two occasions where I got drunk.Recalling back I was never a drinker and it happened at the Manager's party.A Gurkha watchman happened to be drunk at the party and was condemning the Manager and become a nusceince.Out of no where I came told him to bulge off of which he challenged me to a fight.I accepted and he sunk off and left.With every one laying praises on me I drank more.

Not for long,that guard came back sith his 'kukri"( Gurkha knife).Shouting at me," If I throw this knife it would chopped off your legs"."Try it" I replied after a few drinks,"we would see who die". We thought he would perform his act which really put fright into me. Strangely he walked away in shame.He was never what he claimed to be.That made me quite a hero,dared to face that man with weapon.

By then I had drank a bit too much and it seem was also talking nonsense.Drunk as I was I had quite a moment with some women whom I hardly knew.Strange things beyond our wildest imaginations do happened.True or false I dare not think of them but that too were related to me later on.I rather not discussed it here.I assure you those were quite embarrassing moments.

That guard left our service thereafter.These people were good guards but once they get to like those strong drinks heaven help them.They were easily adapted top those drinks and become drunkards.

Another occasion was at marriage dinner of a villager.That day I had one drink too many and was drunk.Fortunately no untoward incidence happened.Thereafter I never dared touched any drinks again.In plantation life style  should I want to live up to it ,it never was any big deal.

Everyone especially those contractors  would be ever  willing to spare me any drinks Of course that would have been disastrous because we could be tied to obligations towards them..To me that would be corruption of the worst kind.Others may supply you the free liqueur  whereas you give up your life  consuming them.

In early June 1966 I received news of my application to Guthrie's.I was invited for an interview with them.To the interview I went and I secured the job as probationary Assistant thereafter.I got the news in May and served my Manager a month's notice.

Without a douibt I jumped at it joining them in July 1966.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Chapter 9 Bentong Estate,Bentong,Pahang.

In Feb.1963,the Boss came to the Gunng Inas Estate and took me away from them,transferring me to Bentong Estate,Bentong,Pahang.

My immediate reaction was to return home first while on my way towards Bentong.So from Taiping,I took a cap homeward bound to visit and to keep my family informed of my transfer. This time I returned home with much joy as I had already passed my examination.I was also home to have a glimse of the one I had let behind.

Our family by now had shifted to a rented house along Jalan Changkat Jong.That house was directly opposite of the girl's house.Yes so near yet so far.Our sister had just returned home from her course and was attached to her old school.At least we now leaved in better environment.My younger brother was now a temporary teacher with the afternoon school..

With that little time I had in hand I went round town to look up old friends.A it was already week end I did attended church service.My friend James pulled me towards that little girl I left behind and made us talked to each other once again.I was actually very happy that day although I had seen earlier after her school was over.That moment only our eyes met.

The following afternoon I left for Bentong and as it was already late when I reached Kuala Lumpur I put up a night at a hotel before taking the transit bus to Bentong.It was my first trip traveling alone.That was why I was extremely cautious all the way there.

Those days the bus services wee very slow not as efficient as today.There were a vast difference.Even the roads were not even with pot holes and narrow.The road to Bentong was winding and buses moving slowly around those dangerous curves.A trip from Kuala Lumpur to Bentong took more than one and half hours.

Those days I had travel sickness while on those slow buses which made me nauseating as it swayed about as it maneuvre those bends and curves.On arrival at the Bentong bus station I rested for sometime before calling the Manager.

I need not wait long before the Manager came along to pick me up.We had lunch in town before traveling to the plantation.There were much catching up to do as we talked during lunch.As we lunch few of his friends came along and there went a few rounds of drinking.He was entertaining them for some of these people were  a couple of Police officers and others.I just relaxed and stayed around but not drinking.

We arrived at the plantation late in the afternoon and what a pleasant surprised.I was given the 1st. floor of the wooden office as my residence.A n extremely spacious place  with two rooms and a huge sitting room.Part of it served as the kitchen.However food was to be provided from the Manager's bungalow.

Little did I know what were installed for me.First I was caught off guard with the lodging having no electrical lighting.I was given a kerosene "harricane" lamp for a start that evening.Fortunately I had not to start it as it was ignited by a worker.It was bright though and served its purpose.

Topping up with fuel would be my own problem thereafter or allowed to go off as soon as all fuel used up.That that bad really.Getting used to that house with so many windows all round even should there be no lighting still very visible.

I had another pleasant sssssssurprised as I went down stairs for my bath.The water pumped and piped to my house was extremely cold.Come a rainy day the water turned yellow.So when making tea or coffee no requirement of milk.No lah,just joking we had filtered water so really no big deal.

I was lucky to have my meals sent to me from the Manager's bungalow.For breakfast I had to either prepare my own or go and have them at the nearby Chinese village shops.Quite reasonable breakfast were available such as "wan ton mee"or toasted bread with butter/kaya.

As I had to report at the second division to work I was thus given a motor cycle to travel there as well as for field.That division was more than two thousand acres of mature areas and some immature areas.There was a Senior and a junior conductors there.

The whole labor force were resided within the division's line sites..95% of them Indians and the rest Chinese.The terrain of all the fields were hilly.Workers had to be taken there by tractors.Come rainy days the plantation roads were slippery and dangerous.Next to the plantation was a virgin jungle with plenty of wild animals.

Bears were common along the boundary.At times the roaring of tigers from within could be heard.The few old durian trees at these fields along the boundary attracted the bears and tigers to them. In the early morning during durian season,they would be there for the durians.

Seeking durians in the wee wee hours of the morning were always dangerous,lest you meet with any of them.But say hat you like many still made the effort to be there,tigers or bears,they be there.The old durian bore extremely good fruits,very creamy and sweet.

Surprising really for those wild animals loved them as well.Curious as to how they eat those fruits?. Apparently they smashed the fruit with their powerful paws.They swallowed up the fresh with seeds thereafter.So should they catch a human being there that ought to be their desert. 

Here I gained some experience on how to tackle an by cockchafers.It was near to the jungle areas which we an attacked by the grubs.The land was sandy and quite flat and the cockchafer grubs were destroying both the covers of the inter-rows as well as those young rubber buddings.

The Rubber Research people were called in to assist us.They set up traps with ultra lighting in that field to trap the rhinoceros beetles.That served to prevent from further laying their eggs in the field.In addition the field was treated with Hactaclor 2 E. to kill off all the cockchafer grubs within.

However the treatment were never satisfactory although much beetles were trapped and the grubs destroyed.At the same time the rubber trees were badly effected by the attacked.Traps were set up before another attack the following year but the damages continued to exist though less.The problem was not impressively solved.

Initially I was given a motor cycle for my field work.It was one opf those huge British motor cycle which were too difficult for me to handle,especially on those hilly terrains roads.On it I flew like a charging bull and slipping with fantastically heavy fall,very often with injuries on my limps..

However that was soon over as the Manager was kind sufficiently to give me another new motor cycle,a BSA 250 cc.That of course was easier to handle.I had great fun with it and was able to go into town every evening with my friend.

In it I many memorable accidents.I remember the day I crashed into a fallen old rubber tree near the Beluh Valley junction.It was a rainy evening just after midnight as I was  returning home alone after seeing my girl friend.The rain was pouring down cats and dogs tho but that did not stopped me wanting to go home.

Apparently that day the rain was going to go on forever.It was  already late,so I made the decision to ride home in the rain.Of course I had to be extra careful and I rode at an average speed.

Noting happened until I was nearing the Beluh Valley junction, when out of no where sprang a leopard running across the road ahead of me.I took fright and accelerated ,little suspecting that a fallen tree was directly on my path.On seeing the existing danger I braked with much urgency but in vain to stop the forging ahead.

I drove straight into the fallen tree which stopped me going further front.Some branch crushed on to my face.I felt a slight stench of pain on my mouth.However I had to presence of  mind by holding on to my clutch which kept the engine running. 

I desperately dragged my motor cycle away from that fallen tree.Once out of that I feel my mouth and noted the injuries I received.I was bleeding profusely from my split lower lips and scratches over my face and arms.As my engine was still running I turned about and rode straight to the General Hospital in town.

I was warded immediately after I was treated superficially by the nurses there.My Manager was informed of my accident and he came in to see me that morning..The Doctor came in thereafter and on examining my he said,"Nothing to worry Cheah.I will stitch that up within minutes but one problem".

I nodded and made gesture what the problem was?."Well,you would not be able to kiss anyone anymore after this",he replied.With everyone laughing I knew at once that he was pulling my legs.So I just simply gave him a  wake smile in return.I was discharged thereafter only to returned  to removed those stitches.

Another serious accident I had on that motor cycle was the flying into a ditch It  happened on one afternoon as I was going into the second division's office at quite a tremendous speed.It was a wet day after a sudden shower.

But young as I was,I was ruthless.I rode like a dare-devil.I was in high speed as I connect the sharp corner ahead.I was undoubtedly not fast enough with my turning movement and the next thing I knew I was flying into a ditch ahead.The experience was fantastic.

I just flew straight up front,like floating in thin air.  Then the motor cycle went straight down with me well seated on it.  My piilion rider was holding on to me tightly.Both of us landed at the bottom of a flowing stream,hitting the rocks within as well.

My forehead bended forward to be cushioned off near the front head lamp.That head ;amp was damaged with forehead crushing on it.I sustained some deep cuts across my forehead.To this date I still bore the scars of that crushed.Again I walked away without more serious  injuries.

I was given a few stitches on my forehead and treated as an out patient.As for the motor cycle its head lamp was replaced and was on the road again.However that motor cycle was replaced later with another BSA 250 cc Sports.The speeding never terminated it continued until I left resigned from that plantation.

I remembered a time where I behaved extremely childish. Actually quite shy in exposing it but that was reality,there were times we do behaved like a small boy.It happened on the morning after some evening heavy rainfall.The following morning and the rest of the staffs went all over the division. 

They reported back that all the tapping panels of tapping fields were dry and fit for tapping.Then now was to send all the tappers to the fields but transportation with tractors were rendered impossible because of slippery hilly roads.

Only alternative was to make the bull-dozer to to toil all the trailers with tappers to the fields but the driver refused to perform that.He flatly refused to bulge. Feeling he was belittling me I help it but cried How childish of me when I made a compliant to the Manager.

The Manager seeing my predicament told the driver off ordering to follow my instruction.He complied and all the tappers were sent into the fields.Later that afternoon the roads were good enough for tractors to run and all things went on well as it was.I felt so bad because that driver tried to be arrogant with me...


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Chapter 6 Gunong Inas

Gunong Inas Estate,Selama is at the northern most of Perak.Those days it was a tiny town where you can find someone fishing by its side where  there was a huge swamp.

Imagine when I first stepped into that town I noticed a man fishing a big huruan or snake head from that swamp.I was fascinated on how he tackled that big fish which he finally landed with ease.That really inspired me  for wanting to take up fishing although I had never taken up of it seriously.

That was a tiny town where everyone knew each other.I also took notice of a group of middle aged men drinking liqueur in board day light in public.They were talking and yearning a loud ignoring all passerby 

Just who were they???, I thought.Accordingly these were a group of people  who had surrendered to the Police.They were ex-bandits who had taken advantage of the Government's reprieve to surrender with their weapons.They were staying in that town as restricted residences.

They, it seem were paid a monthly allowance of ringgit one hundred and fifty but looked at them drinking daily .Can the allowances they received be substantial to  all those  heavy drinking? .Nay,never then how can they drink like a fish,everyone of them?.

I am of the opinion that although they had surrendered they were still forces to reckon with.My wild guess were that those town folks especially the well to do were financially supporting them.Pay them to silence their activities.It could have been their own savings which were impossible,having spent so much time in the jungle feeding mosquitoes and leeches.

It was in this small town that I discovered an unearthly thing about "Char Siew Poa". This happened during my return trip from Taiping one early morning before the sun rises.I was back early by taxi and had to wait for my transport from the plantation to take me home.

It was  just after 6.00 a.m.and every where were so quiet.It was then that I saw a young man walking into a coffee shop.Before he went into the shop which he had just opened , he approached baskets of "dim sum" in baskets  which were being heated over a stove.He opened the cover of  top basket which were full of 'Char Siew Poa"or Roasted Pork Dumplings.

 With mouth full of water he spewed that mouthful of water over the top of those "Char Siew Poa". That was to induce those dumplings to rise up more and evenly..That to me was very unhealthy way besides nauseating.It was.awfully dirty.A spray of water with a sprayer would be more appropriate or rinsed  water over those dumplings with the hand.With that ended my taking of "Char Siew Poa" for ever.

Gunong Inas Estate was actually situated at the extreme end of Perak.We had to travel miles of laterite road to reach it.We had to pass through many other rubber plantations.I think there were at least ten miles of winding road into the interior.

It was bumpy on ordinary days but hell on rainy days.The treacherous road could be extremely slippery on rainy days.Going in and out of estate was by private  "sapu" taxi.All bone- shakers or old junk whose tyres were seemingly bald.Thinking of these and the slippery road really frightened us.

No choice need to go out have to endure all those risks.Once going into the plantation on early morning I saw something like an old man squatting by the side of the road.That took the light out of me and I looked straight ahead.Later I found out that that stretch of road was really haunted.

The estate had an old jeep which was used by the Manager.Just an old junk nothing to shout about, because going with the Manager could disastrous.For half way might have to get  down to push it to re-start that damn thing.Well,I prefer not to be joined him.,it was safer to be in those private 'sapu"..

Here I stayed with the Senior Conductor in that semi-detached bungalow with each occupying a room on top of a small hill.Next door was the Manager. Another funny thing was the supplying of rice and sugar to the workers.Cost of which to be deducted from their payments.

We had for company a host of pigeons residing in our roof.According to reliable sources they were bred by some staffs who had left the Company.The birds left behind simply multiplied on their own as time went by with no one interfering them.

This was a so because all these areas were Communists invested areas.Although these were over when I went there but the ration of food were still running and would be phased out soon.The Union insisted that should be over but it remained because the estate is so far from town so shopping for them would be quite impossible.

There was a sundry shop within that estate but its goods were limited.Beside the shop its owner operated the private transport.It cost us $ 5/=per trip out or returning..The so called taxi also collected our mails from the post office in town.

My initial job there was to supervise the replanting of budded stumps in a nearby field.Fortunately I already had some experiences doing replanting under the hot and blazing sun.The replanting was walking distance from our bungalow so no big deal.

Here I was taken aback astonished at how tappers could got into the fields to tap in the wee, wee hours of the morning.Just imagine going into the fields at 3.00 a.m.Tappers consisted of very young girls,women and men.All of them Chinese Contract tappers.

Anxious as I was I  surprised everyone by going into those areas  following them in those hours.The "kapala" took me along seeing all task by task in the fields.All of them had a lighted lamp tightly secured to their forehead..Thus allowing them to see their way around and also provided the lighting for their tapping.

Well they too were caught by surprised that at least a staff had finally gone into the fields at those hours  to see them working which never happened before.To me first hand knowledge was indeed very good experience.

Those areas were actually slaughtering fields and due for replanting.To tap so early in the morning were to extract as much latex as possible from the trees.There were no fear of wounding the trees here and those trees were to be fully exploited with a number of tapping cuts.Those areas were due for replanting.

A cook was provided to cook for us.She saw to all our needs.That included washing of our clothes and maintaining the cleanliness of the house.Food was to be paid by us.Should require any things better all we had to do was to request for them.Cost of which would be bore by us.

A RSS smoke sheet store was within our compound.The factory with its sheeting batteries were  house at another building behind our bungalow but not within our compound.Our bungalow overlooked the labor lines and as we rested in the front porch we can watch directly what our workers were doing.

Opened air film show were screened once a month for the workers to enjoy.Mostly Indian action films were listed for screening.The workers favorite hero that time was M.G.R.Ramachadran.Should we go near to watch.Chairs would be arranged for us.But I seldom joined them.

I had just been there for a month I received news that I passed the Examination with a second grade and I jumped with joy.Well it sure, very sweet as that was my third attempt with two other failures.

Within my stay there I also met friends from some plantations.The one I remembered was the Manager whose plantation was just before the town.His name was Mr.Chua Seong Hoe.That was a long time ago ,most probably by now he must have forgotten about 

It was here that I learned that Senior staffs when purchasing goods for the plantations all received kickbacks.For the first time I understand how corrupted plantation staffs could be.Maybe they were not corrupted but the offerings were so opened.By such even  the most honest could be tempted to misbehaved.

I maybe wronged that I kept the Boss informed as I was being transferred out of that estate.I was not proving  anything because I do not condoned to such actions.It was simply not right.The amount involved was definitely not worth the risks.

The extras they paid out would also be levied upon the goods we purchased.That definitely not fair to our Company which had entrusted us.Understanding this, at least I would now know how to prevent this happening to me.That was why I always demanded that amount be deducted from the cost of materials I purchased.

That was one of the reasons how I could survived easily in any Malaysian Chinese owned plantations.For many of them had spies in all those estate supplies outlets.Many occasions the Bosses themselves would personally conduct their own investigations.Well,this was one trick of our trade.Always think like the Bosses themselves.

Every month I constantly took a day or two leaves to return home to Teluk Anson just to visit my family and most of all to take a look at the one I left behind.I would steal a fleeting glance into her eyes as we passed each other especially after her schooling period.For sometime we were not on talking terms.

Some how when I was in Church our friend James made us friends once more.I remember a day when we celebrated the moon cake festival at out Auntie's house along Immigration Road.I invited them to join the party at that house.Well I disappointed she and her friends with just a plain eating party not a dancing party which they expected..

At least we did communicated with each other,that was most That was  a fresh begin.Those moment as I think back should had been awful wonderful opportunities for had I  declared my undying love for her.Perhaps that could had transformed the whole situation for me.I felt however out of pride that would not be right and that it be better if I return later when I am more successful in my career.

So I allowed the matter to take its natural flow in life.Thinking back I think that was rather a stupid move as life was never so rosy as painted in most love stories.Yes,I had forgotten that a beauty such as her would also had many other admirers.So should there be no stake of claim she would never know how much I love her.

I made my follies,God forbids No use crying other split milk.Life have to go on.Not only once had I forgo all my chances .I can sadly relate another incident where the opportunity were so open yet I dashed it similarly away.

It was in June 1962  that I had returned home for my birthday.Our family by then had shifted to a rented house along Changkat Jong Road.Incidentally her family had also shifted into the huge"ghost house" directly behind our rented house.

That evening she came over to my house but we talked only a little then I went along my other business.Had I taken the slightest initiative to take her out that evening and said what I had to tell her ,the whole episode would had been entirely different.

For the same reason I allowed it be.How ridiculous and foolish a man can be.Not only that she was at the birthday dance party at our house,yet I forfeited my chances there again.Having said these who can I blame?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Chapter 6 One Kiss Then Good - bye

I joined the plantation without waiting for the School Certificate Examination results.

The results finally was out in March 1960 and I was saddened  by it,because I failed  to obtained any good grading.I failed because I got an F8 for my English Language.Failing that penalized me and thus failed the Examination.

My grading in all other subjects were good.In fact I got an A1 for History.Of course that was my favorite subject while all others  credits.Had I passed English I would have attained a second grade.That of course would had surprised many.

Having seen the results I went back to work and re-applied from there to repeat the test again as a private candidate.I sat the Examination once again as a private candidate in Nov.1960.

The result was a repeat were identical.I never yielded and repeated again for the Examination  in 1961.This was to be my third trail..Once beaten twice shy therefore I went in this time slightly better prepared .

For that I applied for an English course.The course were from Singapore.Come to think of it,it was no big deal.They just gave me some simple lessons.They made sure I learned those simple,simple mistakes by having to write and re-write those mistakes over and over again.

Making me to correct my errors in writing and thereafter  I went in for the test and passed.It was like teaching a small boy and that small boy apparently - was me.

I was elated when I finally got a second grade for those extra effort.All the other detailed results were as identical as previously.My A1 in History stood as it was,firm and formidable for three consecutive years.I received my full detailed of my results in early 1962 while I was transferred to Gunong Inas Estate,Selama,Perak.

In Hurst Estate,the labor force consisted of some 80% Indian and the rest Chinese.Chinese were mostly rubber tappers while the Indian served in tapping as well as weeding.All were residential workers.All amenities supplied by the plantation.

Within the plantation was also an Indian Temple where the Hindus worshiped and a sundry shop.I rarely go into the labor lines but all were maintained by a sweeper.On the whole the workers there were an obedient lot although marred by a bad incidence of protest.

Initially I was the only young recruit at that plantation later they added in a few one at a time but none could stayed thee long before leaving. The thought the plantation life wee beds of roses only to disheartened by the throngs of mosquitoes.The absolute solitude of estate life too boring for them.

The other staffs consisted of a clerk and an old conductor.I at times went to their bungalow for a chit chat.These old staffs had many tales to tell.The old conductor should had retired but stayed on as he had no where to go.The Boss provided sometime to do,even though there was no much he could do.

This conductor and the clerk were old staffs from the old company.We had another senior conductor and he had a bungalow at the entrance of the plantation.He resided there with his wife and small daughter.

For entertainment had to go to town which was miles away.We ventured out together with the Manager once in a week or once in two weeks.As we were residing with the Manager our food problem were taken care of.Having not many friends to talk to could be lonely.

Once during my stay I came to befriend a lovely girl.Initially I was infatuated by  her beauty and charm.We had a date where we became quite closed  and I kissed her sweet lips passionately.It was our first kiss in our dear lives. 

The kiss made me extremely confused for I felt having betrayed her and the one I always had in mind.You cannot be loving one while kissing another,that was utterly wrong.I felt very ashamed of myself and was definitely cheating that nice little beauty.

So I stopped seeing her because I could not faced her.I feared should that happened I might had compassion and pity for her  and repeat what I should not do all over again.It would therefore be more disastrous.So it was one kiss and then goodbye.I never meant to hurt her any further.Did I do the right thing?.

To her a big "no" for she loved me dearly.She was obviously very hurt.To prolong the affair would had caused her more harm which I do not want.There was nothing I could do to rectify our dilemma..

She may cursed me as she had every right to so.I dared not blame her nor processed the guts to face her ever again.So I just lied low and shy away from all for sometime.No one would understand my feelings or could accept my explanation.Soon I got a transfer away from Taiping.

This was however not the only girl that had come into my life those days.There were others but none more serious as that.It was difficult to fall deeply in love with another when there was some one in the mind.The some one that always lingered within my memory.

It was then my beginning of my career and I was far off target.The Examination which mean so much to my advancing my career was still hanging on a thin string.Without it I cannot advance any further that was for sure .

A pass would mean a lot as applying for a better job in the same field. That was why I kept my fingers crossed,even I had to repeat that Examination ten times  I would had carried until I really got the passed.

Our Plantation Manager was transferred off to Bentong Estate,Bentong,Pahang.He was replaced by  a big fat man,said to be a relative of the Boss.He was never a Plantation Manager at anytime just walked in from some failed business.

Just because he was a gutton and likes to eat chicken he forced all the rest to share his ego.Had he paid for the chicken would be alright but he forced all to work for teir meal.Of all thing he made them load RSS sheets to a lorry,directly in front of all our laborers.

I refused to follow that instruction and stayed away as they loaded the lorry.Neither did I joined them when they were enjoying their chicken although invited to.I just simply replied them that I did not worked for it therefore not entitled to join them.That Manager never liked me anyway..

When I was transferred to Gunong Inas, Selama, I left with a heavy heart.I had hurt some one badly and to run away from that seemingly cowardly.What should she had done something foolish?. Then my heart would forever bear that guilty conscious.

Anyway I was glad she did nothing of that sort and got along fine with her life.May God keep her and bless her.I hold no grudge should she continued to curse me.

Chapter 5 Hurst Estate,Ulu Sapetang,Taiping

Hurst Estate was initially a European owned concerned which was sold away just before our Independence.Hurst I was informed mean a land full of trees.Wonderful name at least it was named after some one else.

The plantation was a piece of estate shaft away in the interior.Extremely undulating.It was fully established with rubber.During my stay there the main clone appeared to be the seedlings plants of PBIC,TJ 1 and GT 1.RRIM clones like RRIM 600 was then slowly gaining popularity with our replanting going into it.

The plantation had its own rubber factory,producing own rubber smoked sheets.While I was there was a rather bad incidence happened,where the smoke house was completely demolished by over heating.

That happened because of the mistakes of our drunken smoke house watch man.He overloaded the fire place with wood with intention to keep the fire burning a long long time.It backfire for that was never how it worked.

The loss were a total lost all the rubber within for curing.That was why when employing a smoke house watchman it was imperative he be a sober man never a drunkard.When a smoke house was over heated there were no ways to lower its temperature.

When over heated rubber combusted easily should  the main door were opened (to cool down the heat within???) and the fresh air rushing in would only  feed the burning fire,making it burned more fiercely.By the time the fire engines arrived all would have been completely destroyed.In fact their arrival offered no help.Maybe just to out out the burning ambles.

Our drinking water in the estate those days were from or own catchment area which were only a short distance from our sheeting factory.Water from a nearby swamp were diverted into that catchment especially during rainy seasons.

Clear as it was to be,the water was never safe for drinking.It definitely had to be boiled before drinking.Thinking back brought back much scary moments for at times we had seen tiny red worms lurking in those water and we had been drinking it.

Come to think of it those "orang putih"who first started the plantation wrote so much about how t bring a clean and holdsome water were utter rubbish.They do not walk the talk.

No need to go far,this Hurst Estate for example.The catchment area was so near the factory but also the line sires.Worst still most the workers were Indians who were not used to toilets.Most eased themselves in the fields,day or nights,snakes or no snakes. Men and females alike they would prefer to perform those rituals in the fields.

The swamp which supplied the catchment with water was later drained for planting of rubber.It had an acreages of roughly about fifteen acres I was of the opinion that draining the swamp would deplete our catchment of water supply.I think the Boss's differed in that.

Another fifteen acres pf rubber would definitely bring in more revenue for the plantation.The water supply would be down where would come from thereafter?.Well,not for me to say or it would not be my problem as I was transferred off in due course.

While there the Manager put me in charged of the far division some three hundred an fifty acres,sufficient for a green horn like me.Most of the tappers were Chinese tappers both males and females.Assisting me was a "kapala". Chinese tappers were a noisy lot especially the females.

Production was not high because the clone was PBIG seedlings.It was here that I learned how to tap rubber.There were two types of tapping knives used.Whatever it was I learned them all.Not difficult but to to tap about 600 trees would be tiresome for me.

To supervise others I believe that we ourselves should know what we be taking about not referring to books etc.Another thing with these seedlings trees there would be much untapped trees.Tappers would just simply ignored them by declaring them as brown blast even not so because of low yielding.

To find out  it ought to tested by tapping.So should we be ignorant then how are we to test it?. Should you request the tapper to test it  .He or she could easily proved to you that it was not yielding bu shallow tapping but if you know how to tap they could never play you out.

Tapping rubber  were an art.To be able tap to extract a good yield, the tapper had to be very artistic.Tapping to the required depths sufficiently which were near the cambium  to bring out most of the latex from latex vessels without wounding the tapping panels.A tapper was considered bad should there be many wounds on its tapping panel.Of course these were the old.old ways.Presently tapping is more different very modern 

It was in this far division that I came across an old old planter that I once knew as a kid.He never did recognized me though but I knew him d from our meeting.However I was just a tiny tot compared to him so I just let it drift away.

It would not had made any difference anyway.In the past post war days this plantation office had been a  military out post.They were then fighting with the communists.In fact by the side of the office was a small shed housing the soldiers there.

A railway track cut through part of the plantation.IT was believe that during the Japanese occupation many executions by the Japanese were done along those track.Rumours of headless ghosts very strong over there.Just imagine headless ghosts on  the railway track begging for the returned of their heads.

I remember having to cross over there to do some replanting those days ,Thinking back as a young recruit I was damn scared those days  whenever crossing there by foot,even on board day light There was another way by vehicle from the main road to reach that replanting.

In the replanting area I had to stand directly under the hot and merciless blazing sun almost the whole day long.Not only that had to move around supervising those replanting of budded stumps.The budded stumps ought to be planted with budding patch facing the correct direction and planted firmly in the ground.

Talking about ghost once I had a bad encounter with a ball of fire on the entrance road back to the bungalow.It was one of those days where I though staying back until late was nothing accept when going home would be a problem.

It was only 10 p.m. not late by any standard but the taxi could only serviced me until our entrance gate.In any case I had no key to that gate either.On arrival thereafter I was to be on my own.I took a deep breath before I continued my journey homeward

The road was pitch dark and I could actually see a short distance as I walked along.Then in fright I surged ahead running slowly then picked up speed a little at a time.Both sides of the rad were darker and nothing can be seen.Then out of no where up front I saw a ball of fire flying (the size of a small ball) floating about three feet above  the ground.

Now some might suggest those were lights of rubber tappers tapping the fields with head lamps.No there was no human being near it. At about 10.00 body tapped rubber at that hour.That old rubber with its thick inter rows early morning tapping were surely out.

Seeing that I focused my eyes straight ahead , increased my speed in the running.I think I ran the fastest 100 metres in my entire life.The ball of fire was drifting in the inter rows of the old rubber. I dared not even looked side ways as I ran past it.Fortunately that thing did not chased me,otherwise it be the unthinkable 

I reached home panting real hard sweating profusely all though.Everyone were in bed then and the lights were still on.I rested a while then retired to my room.Following the lights were out  as normal.,anyway I was already dead tired and went on to bed.

There was another incidence where we  saw a ball of fire drift floating around the garden of the bungalow.It happened at about midnight when the Manager saw a ball of fire flying about a short distance away from his window.

He called out to see that ball of fire.It floated around for an hour or so before disappearing into the darkness.It was never hostile towards anyone  just minding its own business.Later I learned that these were actually little  ghosts kept or bred by some "bumoh".

These were released in the late evening to seek their own food.Their food were normally human wastes mostly women's.In days passed women giving birth at home had their wastes hanged out on trees, high so no wild beast could disturbed them.

It was believed that those little ghosts fed on them By day light they returned to their home .Many a time a magical bottle at the "Bomoh" house.These little ghosts used to assist the "bomoh" to locate lost things  or maybe healing of those very sick.Many do not believe in them but you be damn wrong should you ignored it.

There were some fly by night "bomoh". But be aware that there are still many powerful ones around.Perhaps many had read of a case where a petty thief was "locked" in a shop he tried to ransack.Having gone round the shop although it was quite small he seem  unable to locate his way to out. 

Apparently he walked and walked within that shop until he collapsed in total exhaustion..A week later he was saved only when the shop proprietor returned from his leave.The weak thief just simply was too glad to surrender himself.Anyway he was to weak to resist arrest.

That house had been charmed by a :bomoh" although the shop keeper denied it flatly.Otherwise what explanation can anyone suggest?.That really happened in a border town in Kelantan. Some "bomoh" are known for the healing power for those erection  malfunction.Believe me some one in Kedah really can.

Talking about ghost I had a scary morning. It was a stormy and rainy  morning but I was awoken by the cold wild breezing through my windows Shivering within my blanket I suddenly heard cries of a baby some distance away among those rambutan trees.

The cries were whistling into my ears,I slowly peeped through my blanket lifting my head a little to look at the sight where the cries came.How could I to see it as the whole areas were very dark.Accompanying those cries were the pouring rain.

We knew there were no one residing there.Even there was the couple had no small baby.Thinking of it further my hair begin to stay upright standing on ends.That cries were ghostly 0f a baby ghost.Oh!!! my goodness a baby ghost.Those cries were never heard again thereafter while I was there.

When the Manager was away I stole the opportunity to learn to drive on the plantation's land rover.A college guided me the finer points on how to drive.While learning I nearly ran out of control by wrong stepping on the accelerator heavily.Fortunatey I released the pressure in time to save the day.Failing which would had been fatal.

Beside playing the guitar in our space time we also played badminton and that was where I improve my standard of playing.Those new friends were very good in the game.The badminton court was within the Manager's bungalow compound.Plantation life can be boring and lonely.That was why we had to take some thing to keep busy......

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 4 Taiping Here I Come

I was filled anxiety to join the  Plantation in Taiping.For one I know very well that I could never afford to continue any further studies.

Not that I cannot study it was that I need to prove that I can be somebody fast and quick even without tertiary education..Armed with success I could only come back to court Linda.. no other way out.And I got to do it fast,real fast.

My mind was fully committed to succeed.Another thing was jobs were difficult to come by those days and I have to grab the first opportunity that came along. This job came easily,no need to apply.It was offered to me.

I actually had little time left before I leave for greener pasture. A last fling with my buddies before I leave was the best option.With little money I treated them to some "kopi O' at the "kopi korek".

While there we met with a form teacher.His teacher was Mr Eric Rodi."Hey,Kok Hin,what the hell are you doing here?",he shouted at me."Drinking coffee,sir",I replied."Well,drink your coffee but do not try any thing funny here",he said."Yes sir",I replied.

He was with two other teachers,all old men.For me I was leaving school and would not be returning to continue my studies.Results of my examination would only be known after March or so.Meanwhile I stay with that plantation.

That time the People Progressive Party was canvesing for votes.It was going to be voting time.Those days Seenivasagam were very strong contender in Perak.I and friends were always standing around to listen to those powerful speeches.

Thereafter we left to roam the town until late hours.My days with them were limited  and thereafter should I leave I would not be returning to join them ever again. I got my future to think of. I must perform well in what ever endeavor I had and keep clear from all those rowdy days.

Very soon all those days were over and I left for Taiping by Taxi.I was to report at my uncle's sister's house.Her husband was an Estate Suppliers.My future Boss was informed of my arrival and he was to pick me up the following mornin.

That evening I was introduced to their children The eldest two were in secondary school and bot  accomplish guitar players and can sing too.That night they entertained me with a variety of top hit.I had quite pleasant time with them.

Early the following morning after  breakfast my Boss came to fetch me to his plantation.He came in his Mercedes I stupidly went into the back seat with my big bag. An astonished Boss asked incredibly,"What?You sitting at the back?'.

Sensing my ignorance he further said,"Ah!!! never mind just sit there".I was so raw I think more like a country bumpkin,so simple minded.That time how was I to know instead I thought that was out of respect.How dreadfully wrong I was?.

We traveled eight miles north wards  The rubber plantation seem quite far off. Nearly an hour thereafter we arrived at the entrance of the plantation as he turned left onto some laterite road.

There was a railway gate blocking our continuing our journey.A railway guard opened its gate,saluting the Boss.The Boss told me that he was employed by the estate.I though we had arrived at the rubber plantation but no we had to pass through a stretch of old rubber holding whose inter-rows were extremely over grown with thick "belukar"

.I think that was about two miles  from the main road.Then we finally reached some rubber trees which were better maintained and after a 100 meters  or so we arrived at a huge bungalow.We went into the bungalow to wait as the Manager had gone into the fields.

We need not wait very long and the Manager was back.I was shown my rooms of which I had two choices.A large room by its side and a smaller one direct in front facing the main road.All the rooms were upstairs.

I selected the smaller room as its was very airy with windows all round I ignored the bigger room with bathroom attached because I find it slightly scary.I had an awful feeling,a cold atmosphere not welcoming me as I entered it so I refrained from occupying it.Thereafter the Boss went round the plantation with the Manager while I rested and unpacked.

This was my first stinct at a rubber plantation.Oh,no definitely no.Maybe this was the first time I had to stay at a big bungalow in the wild.It was to be a lonely life I know.That time no TV yet only the radio to keep us company which provided at the bungalow.

That was why I took up playing guitar.Lessons were provided by that distant auntie's sons.I also met up with an old friend from Teluk Anson.He was working for his relative at a spectacle shop along the main road of Taiping.

He was an accomplished guitarist and he too guided me with several lessons.I brought a second hand guitar from one f his friends.While seeing him we went to have tea/coffee and some "Char Koey Teow" at a coffee shop there.It was there we saw that young Rocky Teoh an aspiring Elvis Presley impersonator in the making.

He was still unknown then.He was extremely cocky walking around with unbuttoned shirt like Elvis in films.My friend would would teased him,"Hey,if you are looking for trouble Look straight into my face"..On hearing the challenged he and his friends bolted away.

Our place was too far from town that wa why I went out only once in a fourth night or so. Many a times I tagged along with the Manager when he went out to town to do some shopping.At times we went out for dinner for a changed.

The plantation was not very big about one thousand six hundred acres .It had a clerk and a senior conductor,the Manager then myself.In the early morning I had to attend muster at 5.30 a.m. in the morning. So early even the ghosts h`a not all gone to sleep.

.I was weary of those cold,cold morning.Field work consisted of going round the tapping area,to see tappers performing their tasks.Fortunately  my food were prepared by the Manager's cook.At least I had decent meals while I stayed there.Rounding the field were big deal as I was given a bicycle to ride around.

Later I was allotted the far division to take charged of and what a distance away.I dread not the wprk but the mosquitoes were at no mercy for my presence.They attacked in drove in all directions..A bang with my palm would easily killed off nothing less than five bloody of them.

To ward them off I tried to smoke them away by smoking.It never worked but fortunately I did learned to smoke properly and slowly dropped that habit.It never worked that was why.Cigarrites were cheap then and only few brand to select from.

To stay on were to get accustomed to its presence.I tried walking slightly fast to avoid them but this of course was of little used as these pests continued their attacks following me every where I go.

On top of that I was aware of the snakes in the plantation especially the black copra.I saw them mostly by the rad side or worst under the rubber trees.Fortunately these snake just stood up a little then slipped away.

This where I learned how to kill a snake.To render a snake harmless the best method was to strike its mid section first breaking its center bone.That should stopped it from escaping.Following smashed its head.

It was believe that the eyes of snake can record the images of whoever killed it .When its mate came along would know who killed it and it can seek revenged on who killed it.Maybe that was  a tall tale and no absolute truth of it.

Raw as I was,sleeping alone in the cold cold night in a strange environment initially were scary.With the cold wind breezing through the mosquitoes netting accompanying it a host of insects cries.The hooting of an owl would add up to further t the errie feelings of impending coming of a ghost.

Then many uncanny tales of no truth would creepy  my feeble brain.The first few things this were almost sleepless but fully covered with blanket over head,shivering within.No choice I got to stay back and perform well in my position whatever there be installed for me.It surely was going to be a long long road ahead.

Those were long lonely nights before the sound of mypies singing their morning  calls,signalling the beginning another beautiful day to come.These were slowly followed by other smaller birds.That would be the hour I rise up from my bed and off to the muster ground.

Rubber tappers and  weeders would had gathered there by the time we arrived.All of them ready to go into their respective fields to perform their duties after the roll call.Soon the Conductor in charged would called out their names individually and leaving as soon as their names had been registered. The weeders had to stay until they received instruction what their duties would be.

Actually everything were always orderly.I remembered an incidence when I was away on leave,where on that faithful day a host of workers attacked all the staffs present with their 'kandal" sticks etc.Fortunately non of the staffs were hurt accept the Conductor who was beaten up by a number of strokes of the sticks.

A Police report was made and the main culprits arrested and later sacked.It was a minor protest against the Conductor's was of conducting his duties.I was told the Conductor resigned later to go into business.No more such happened ever again while I was there.