Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chapter 16 The Grand Finale

Ken's rejoining the plantation was the turning point so much so all those inert hate and those awful grudges were burnt off.His sheer determination,patient,preserverance and the courage the nerves to overcome all problems.His vast experiences was telling and prevailed.

He managed to with hold his temperament,kept his cool and acted irrationally sailed through as he went encountered ending with a great achievements throughout the final years.

It was his past failures in Good Tree and else where that spurred him to greater heights of his career.He brought out all he had learned to good use and experienced remarkable success.Of course without those failures it would be difficult to forge out the best in him.

The most important factor was he believe in himself and that he was never a write off or a loss case.He never doubted his own abilities and he determined to alleviate himself through without any hitch.He psychic himself into the correct frame of mind,solely focusing his attention on the job at hand and by honest,hardworking beyond imagination ,sincere to only one Boss.

His family also was the guiding force behind his success.Without them he would not have made it through.He was fully focused on the job with them in mind ,taking each day by itself

Within these hay days he was offered lucrative pay position as Manager of 10,000 hectares in Sumatra which he rejected because by now $8000/= salary was already "chicken feed" to him.Not that he was corrupted but he never was.Had he requested slightly more they would have given him the offer but he was really not interested.This was the best offer and there were many others all to work in Indonesia but never as attractive.

Being ruthless was no answer and now he was thankful that the earlier years that he had to rough through.Had he taken a those earlier views such as being revengeful he would have ended no where but ended with gross disasters.

He was grateful to one man his first Manager who gave him a testimony that stood by him until the end,no,no never the I.S.P. and their stupid examinations those were utterly rubbish and not recognized,therefore valueless.

He had erred badly but gross injustice done to him converting nearly to a ferocious killer, but the good Lord above showed him mercy He lifted him up ,taught him to be grateful and to forgive ,let bygone be by gone.

Similarly had the mass killings of students and work mates could have been averted had been given the opportunity to correct themselves.But no,this world was really cruel to them.In the last stray they broke down and committed those awful crimes.
And Hell broke lose.

Ken was down with cancer in year 2000 and was hospitalized for almost six months.Down with Luekaemia where the red blood cells were lesser than the white cells.Through the grace and compassion of the Lord he was restored live on.He was taken ill because of stressed in the job and also side effects of Glyphosphates a weedicide.Praise the Lord for his everlasting love.

Following he resigned from his position as Manager,to spend his remaining time with his beloved family.

To err is human and to forgive divine.All things can be bygone but the memories of the first love still lingers on,remaining embedded as beautiful memories.May God blessed her wherever she may be.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Chapter 15 The Raging Fire Settled to Dust

Within those fifteen long years Ken initially also reclaimed many large tracts of land within the plantation and have them rehabilitated with Oil palms much to the delight of the Boss.The new bottom roads he established lead to all those recoveries which were termed as "lebih punya" ( or unwanted extra land) by his predecessor.

Not only those but his request to top up the main roads with stones from the nearby goldmine was also approved.Ken spent a tidy sum of money over this.Actually that cannot be help as the plantation unlike others do not have laterites or river stones to strengthen their roads system especially the main road.

The long stretch of main road leading to the Mill was more than five miles from Kampong Sri Jaya.On rainy days these up and down slopes of this slippery road was almost impassable to heavy vehicles,so the laying of stones helped.It also had to be maintain regularly.So plenty of stand by stones were required.

Ken also co-ordinated with the other plantations to resurface the common interest entrance road to the plantation and also the bridge at the Village which was later ridiculed by the villagers as the caused of the Sri Jaya great flood.Actually that flood was caused by greedy developer who filled up the swamp near the village thus depriving excess rainfall a place to store its water.The narrow outlet along the main road proved too narrow to drain out the excess water.Thus the flood.

The bridge constructed with large calverts was dismantled but will the town be flooded again? Just wait for the next exceptionally heavy rain fall then they will know.Will they blame the bridge the government put up ? Villagers were villagers they had their own piece of mind many a times ridiculous and outrageous.

As time went by Ken's job became more interesting as he had view and visit plantation for sales.Ken was requested by the Boss to view and report back to him.At the beginning there was one plantation in Triang where he went with the first engineer.His job was to report about the condition of the plantation whereas the Engineer was to report about its Oil Mill.

Ken 's report was impressive but the Engineer gave a very bad report about its Mill.Actually he was right as the Mill was really very old but still running,so the Boss dropped that issue.

Next was the neighboring plantation where only Ken was told to go round with their Manager for a week.Ken gave an excellent report as the plantation also had sufficient laterites and plenty of river stones.Buying that property would be beneficial,saving a lot of money for road works in future and no necessity to apply a licence to transport river stones and laterites.

However the Boss had no interest as there was a clause in the purchase agreement where the Boss refused to accept.It was very unfortunate but he was the Boss.

There was also another 10,000 acres plantation in Trengannu Tengah.To go into that property must drive across a shallow river without a bridge. That plantation was in a very bad state.Part of the plantation was neglected and not in production for sometime.The abandoned part were therefore overgrown with thick bushes,it seem some elephants had made that areas their home.There were linesites which were also left abandoned and unattended.

Part of the plantation that was still in production was well maintained.Ken got a clearer picture from their office which was on a hill.The people were co-operative and gave ken all he required to know.Ken thus report back to his Boss what he saw.

Few weeks he visited another very much smaller plantation further interior about 0ne thousand odd acres.The main thing wrong with this plantation was it entrance road had to pass through a long stretch of roads from the plantation above.Apparently it had another entrance also another long stretch of road passing through many other plantations.

The plantation was beautifully planted up with oil Palm and with well established legume covers, but all still immature.On the far end was a wall of steep hill which was also planted.It was a magnificent to behold from a distance.

Ken's reported back just as he saw,the Boss dropped the idea of securing both.Then there was the plantation in Karak.It was a 5000 acres plantation which extremely hilly.Initial crop was rubber but the plantation was replanting to Oil Palm,so only about 1000 acres was Oil Palm.The rest were rubber and in full production.

The whole plantation was all right only thing bad was the entrance to the plantation for there was a bridge and after the bridge was a steep road leading to office as well as to the other fields of the plantation.That was the only point that deterred the Boss from buying it.

Ken also established an orchard of Durians at the back of his bungalow.Clonal durians fruited within three years of planting with Ken's method of planting.Many other fruits were also planted.

The Boss had interest in planting Jati for teak wood and Ken had to follow his instruction to plant them in the inter-rows of the Oil palms .The palm
grew well but not the Jati,Jati was slow growing on hill top and slope but by the sides of ravines it flourished beautifully.

The Boss was also keen on Joljoba and Ken was sent to attend a meeting introducing that crop.Some planting materials were ordered directly with all the seeds germinating very well,but those seedlings never survived more than two leaves in the nursery.So all efforts gone to waste.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Chapter 14 The Raging Fire Turning To Ashes

Ken had it so easy did not come so easy as perceived.He had to work it the hard way enduring all those who were against him from the beginning.From their sconce he had to prove to them he was no pushed over.

As was known the Assistant was not friendly nor co-operative, the moment he stepped into that plantation.He had to sleep without the comfort of a mattress on the first night.The Company was quick to response to his requirements.

Every one expected him to leave but he disappointed them badly and he had to act fast to let them know that he was their immediate superior and was there to stay.The Assistant tried to frighten him away by disowning most of the work he was doing and loaded them on to Ken.

Ken being new,this was a blessing in disguised for in that way he learned about the whole plantation and its workers faster.The stupid action of the Assistant thus failed in his desire to rid the Manager who thus proved he was the rightful heir to the position and never him.Here the Boss was right in not choosing him to replace his Manager.

That really displaces him and cornered him.He was indeed a pathetic case.Ken had no choice but to place him out of position because of his bad motives.In the end he resigned on his own much to the satisfaction of the Boss.

Thereafter he promoted a Chinese conductor to Assistant and stationed him in Kuantan but this man proved to be over ambitious for he indulged in private business.Wanting to become rich was alright but do it correctly.But could not blame him for he knew while attached to that company his chances of becoming Manager was nil.

Though he tried some beyond description, tricks against Ken he failed to dislodge him.Worst of all the Boss referred back to Ken,thus putting him in bad tastes.He had to resign on his own accord.He was fortunate as he met with the Manager of a neighboring plantation who recommended him to Indonesia.

Another Assistant was recruited who proved to be a very good hunter and an obedient Assistant.He stayed for a couple of months before,again he had to hire another Assistant.He gave the opportunity to a Chinese conductor of a European plantation.

This Assistant although big in size talked like a girl.Rounding the plantation was like going on a trip,as he swirled round the plantation on his motor cycle and only on all the main roads.All these can be observed from the motor tracks he made daily.
Giving him a raincoat was only to shield him from the rainfall as he stayed below the palms.The Boss had seen it by accident.

For Ken working in heavy rain was nothing and the Boss had seen him in the rain on heavy rainy days.When met with the Boss he told the Boss that his workers were still at the bottom of the hill,therefore he must also be around to see that everything were in place and most important the crop collected back.With that the Boss had full praised of him.

The above Assistant position was not confirmed by Ken.He was not performing his duties as required and was also talking with contractors despising the Manager about his work.Apparently he appeared to be working for the contractors.Since he was no assistance to Ken,he was forced to sack him

Another Assistant was recruited by the Boss.This time an Indian his talks impressed the Boss very much but he was a crook.When Ken was on the run from police for employing illegal workers and stayed away for three weeks this Assistant tried to swindle the plantation and also tried to usurp the Manger's position during his absence,but Ken's timely return destroyed his plans once and for all.He was also sacked by Ken without notice.He was forced to save his own skin as he had during Ken's absence collected money from many unsuspecting workers for work permits.

There after no more Assistants were recruited for the main plantation to assist him.No big deal actually.Ken promoted two new recruits to be in charged of the plantation in Kuantan and also Gambang.

His actual staffs consisted of three conductors and a female clerk.Three Malays from nearby "Kampong" and a Chinese.Ken was forced to accept them as they were and slowly trained them to his styles of work.He held weekly discussions with them explaining to them what was required of them.He made sure everyone of them understand the check rolls and how to work on it.

Finally after a few months all were versed with them.He allotted every one a harvesting contractor for supervision.Extra contractors were divided among themselves.He made the Assistant to look after the spraying contractors,but when the conductors were made to look after them.

Later as he promoted the Chinese to be Assistant of the Kuantan plantation he engaged another Chinese to fill his place.Actually he was the brother of the one he promoted.His original job was a fisherman.

The local agricultural college recommended several candidates to the plantation as field assistants.Interviewed and selected a number of them despite their ignorance in plantation.Non survived the field jobs given and left on their own accord.To have recruited them was the greatest joke of all time.

To recruit experienced conductors will be absurd as those coming will expect better gradings and then when employing them where will those he inherited be.So there was a difficulty in employing experienced conductors.The Boss do not want smart conductors but conductors that can follow instructions and worked accordingly.The Boss apparently had too much experiences in dealing with conductors.He prefers Ken to train his own men.Those were the problems.You pay peanuts you get monkeys.Monkeys apparently were better than experienced ones for they do not have bags and bags of tricks. Only thing for Ken was he had to performed doubly harder.

Going through the contractors.Initially he had eight contractors,four spraying contractors and five harvesting contractors.Five harvesting contractors harvesting five blocks A,B,C,D and E.

The spraying contractors were to perform three rounds of spraying yearly.All worked done was to be passed by a visiting adviser.Ken have only been there after a year or so one contractor was sacked for bad work.His fields were distributed to the three existing contractors.

There five harvesting contractors and because of the Mill's compliant one bad one of the lot was removed,only to be replaced by another.All the contractors actually supplied all the workers,most illegals brought in by "Tai Kongs".The turn over of worker were very bad with many absconding from time to time.

Initially the replacements were easily available but because of constant police harassment even illegals were difficult to secure,beside being very costly.
Contractors who cannot bring harvesters were replaced until four were left.

Observing their difficulties the management stepped in to recruit the workers for them,but still that did not worked well,so Ken requested permission to take over those not performing.The Boss was also agitated by their performance thus removed all of them accept one.

Since 1998,all the recruitment were through the management the Boss ordered Ken to take over all even the last contractor.Fortunately Ken had trained the conductors to do the check rolls.So every single conductor had to do the check rolls of harvesters under them.Weeders check rolls were also distributed to them.

Taking over was simple only thing was he had to select good "kapala"over the workers.The "kapalas" were allotted to all the respective conductors and among them was also a head "kapala" to look after the "kapalas".

Similarly the plantations in Kuantan and Gambang were also taken over with harvesters and weeders recruited by the main plantation.All went well without any troubles and that pleased the Boss very much.Ken by no means had done a great job in taking over everything almost single handed.

The labor force were solely Indonesians with the drivers mostly local Malays from nearby kampongs.Even with legal Indonesian labor force there were no many unforeseen problem so Ken enlisted the service of local police to help to maintain a peaceful force.
It was necessary for protection as well as to keep an eye over all the workers.

The local police were from Paya Rambutan and the main force from Gambang.

Chapter 13 The Raging Fire Went Exstinct Part Two

Of course at time there were slight hitches here and there ,as nothing were perfect.It can never be plain sailing without any troubles for there were some human being who were born to cause or find trouble but to Ken who had many previous encounters with such rogues,but this time around he was well prepared for them.His experiences very telling beyond his imagination.

He with his vast experience knew how to tackle them.He also know how to be patient and tolerated to avoid any serious quarrels and unnecessary clashes.From his studies "The Art Of War",he knows how to lead his enemies astray by being "friendly" with them without reviewing to them his strength,thus leading them to be complacent and dropped their guards against him.Having lured them to loose their eyes on him then he like a crouching tiger will pounced on them gently.Eradicating them softly without them noticing who did that to them.

There was one such incidence where the Mill's accountant tried to demoralize him.With him around he was bragging about his status throwing his weights all round.He too have prior knowledge that Ken was a force to reckon with but still insisted forcing his way through thinking that the Boss will always side him.He was dam right the Boss was with him most of the time,but no one should be invincible he can be destroyed.

Ken's patient and tolerance of him and his henchmen paid off handsomely that accountant being inexperienced in plantation life felt prey to his own foully.Within that period a pseudo Engineer took over the Mill.This new man actually was just a staff of the Mill elsewhere coming in to replace Ken' friend who had resigned.

He was bluffing his way around until the accountant got proves that he was incompetent and thus removed.His presence kept the accountant busy for a while.With that "engineer" out of the way the accountant moved back to Ken.Some how the Boss after some time with no apparent reasons told him to leave.That surprised many as well as Ken.He suspected that his was Ken that knocked him off.He was wronged.

Somehow he returned two years later.But a leopard never changed its spots he remained as busy as can be.It would have been alright had he struck to his own job.It was also alright if he find faults with the plantation's crop.It was still okay should he reduced the extraction rate of the plantation's crop to make their acceptance of outside crops to magnify his Mill's extraction rate as good.But no he kept on pressing and stepping on Ken's toes.

His advances were unnecessary and to stop his overlapping jobs Ken placed a tin of dirty cylinder oil to welcome him.Should he ever do that in Ken's office that was what he will be presented with.It was common knowledge what that tin of oil was for.Even the Boss heard of it but since nothing happened he just laughed it off.

Due to their inability to maintain their own engines to pump water from the huge lakes they had to forcibly take the plantation engines for their used leaving the plantation without electricity for a few days..Sometime returning not in working condition.Ken kept his cool and allowed him the liberty to do that despite his outrageous moved.Little did the accountant knew that the Boss was aware of all his actions.

In 1996 the accountant received information first that a police raiding party was on it way to arrest all planters for their involvements in employing illegal Indonesian workers.That put him to fright for that very instant he looked for Ken.Fortunately Ken was still in the Office.On hearing that Ken wanted to drive off immediately but the accountant insisted on going along with him.Apparently after they left the plantation the raiding police arrived and they escaped arrest just in the nick of time.

Ken had wanted to stay at home in Kuala Lumpur but the accountant advised him not to and so they went into hiding in USJ.The accountant had an extra house there so they lodged there for almost three weeks.They returned when the Boss had settled every things with the police.

Only to be disappointed that the Indian Assistant that the Boss recruited was trying to usurp his position and making false claims against the plantation.He was caught red handed by Ken and sacked without mercy. His actions made the Boss very furious and then said "Aaya,like that you recruit your Assistant better".It was timely he came back otherwise the plantation would have incurred huge losses.

With the above happenings,that did not mean that the accountant and Ken have become good friends as the saying goes a leopard never changed its spots.With patient Ken waited for the opportune time to strike back and get even.This type of crooks never learn,they were given an inch they want a foot and than a mile.It was best to retreat and watch his every move.He like all Ken's staffs and contractors thought Ken was afraid.That was the idea.

An outward clash with force will be no good as he was the Boss's hand picked man. He was often bragging about it.To destroy him once and for all,must have a well plan.This was the kind of man who can steal from the bank to claim that the cash as extra from the bank escorted cash.There was no doubt that the bank cashier paid out by mistake the extra $1000/=.

He should have returned it to the bank when the guard returned to ask whether there were some wrongly paid out cash.Instead,he surrendered that to the Boss.What can he get by so doing?Neither did the Boss rewarded him anything nor did the Boss praaaaaaaaised him.Only the poor cashier suffered with that lost.

He tried to control everything his eyes can see but can never handle.He mishandled the operation of the Mill as well.He failed to put back all the safety measures of the Mill removing them as unnecessary waste of money which resulted with a worker falling accidentally into the hot water effluent pond,killing the poor guy almost instantly.It was his fault by removing all those barriers.The fatality was caused by his negligence.

Another good example of how he tried to frame Ken was
that he once took a piece of flattened metal pipe to Ken accusing him of trying to wreck the Mill's machinery by adding metals to the crops.Ken took it calmly keeping his cool.When he next visited the Boss Ken brought that along and slowly showed it to the Boss.

He told the Boss the accusation directed to him as trying to sabotage the Mill's machinery which was absurd as the flattened more than 2" pipe was from the Mill as the plantation does not handle any piping more than 2".They do not have that type of materials only the mill have them.He quietly took over and told Ken to keep quiet as he will handle it themselves.

This crook did not stop there,for a week he collected almost a small pickup of under ripe crop and took along to lodge another complain against Ken.Of all nerves he unloaded those unripe fruits in front of the head office.Ken knowing that went down to see the Boss and accepted responsibility of them.

Did the Boss punished Ken?.No no never.He said to Ken," Just take care of your boys and see that it do not happened again".Ken agreed and asked for only two bunches to taken back to his office to show his people.The rest the accountant had to load them back to the Mill.

There were many similar instances where gross arrogance were committed due to his errors and bad decisions.Mentioning them will definitely be lengthy and almost the same.It takes a lot patient to tolerate his odd behavior.

By then Ken 's position was very formidable and to knock him off was almost the impossible things to do.But that accountant was relentless still as persistent.Fortune had it that he will fall through his own stupidity.

The Boss for one hated those who drink and got drunk,that was one thing he ever despised .For the accountant must drink a stout a day despite Doctor advice to abstained from them,without it he will coughed vigorously without halt.That was one thing ,any way one drink was nothing to him.

One day his contractor invited him and his hunch man for dinner in town.He was so happy that he let off his guard and began drinking until drunk.All of them were badly drunk and made hell of a racket in town.At about 10.00 p.m. they had enough and wandered home.

Arriving at the second gate at the river side he got very angry because the gate was locked a bit too soon.He shook the gate vigorously,kicking and banging it but the gate did not bulged,so he shouted on top his voice,"Ken,you bloody B........ Why have you locked the Gate?".Ken actually was awoke and heard every thing but remained silent.He too was puzzle as to why his gate keeper had locked that gate early that day.That noise was heard by all the workers residing in the nearby line sites.

Jumping over the gate he ran to the gate of Ken's bungalow,banging and kicking it, shouting and swearing, again and again.Ken remained quiet and just watched him misbehaving like an Ape from his bed room window.Laughing to himself imagining the end of the accountant was near,by embarrassing himself he had dug his own grave..Within those passing minutes his assistants had opened the gate and came to pick him back to the Mill.

Next day he pretended as if nothing had transpired but Ken had it all nicely planned.The Boss came to the plantation a few days later.As normal Ken went to see him but could not see him as he was going through the Mill.But he saw Ken from a distance and later saw Ken there.

Ken by now also a good actor he pretended to have some thing to say but hesitated.The Boss saw that he had something to say followed him to the plantation office where Ken was "forced" to relate that night's incidence to him.The Boss took it calmly and after careful thought said,"Don't worry,I will deal with him my way."

Days passed and weeks passed and within this period the accountant tried to make appointments on other matters but he refused to see him.Finally he traveled down to the Head office and requested permission to see the Boss only to be told that he was too busy,refusing to see him.There was no way he could see the Boss despite of important matters pertaining about the Mill's progress etc..

The last stray was the Mill's assistant while collecting spares came to face with the Boss.The Boss instructed him to inform the accountant to pack and leave to Mill without any further notice with immediate effect.Thus he was to leave without knowing what missile struck him.

Ken was so pleased that he was already a changed man, his previous encounters which were so adverse against him were actually good experiences he accumulated along the way to glory.Those failures were in fact the mother of his success
without those bad moments he would never had become so brilliant to overcome all problems.Thus to err and to forgive divine..........................

To continue

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chapter 12 Raging Fire Going To Extinct- Part one

Success after success in that plantation had made Ken to perform with increased ferocity, courage and with pride.He now realized that all those failures in his earlier life had spurred him to perform beyond imagination.What he had experienced lead him to over come all problems in fact were the actually no difficulties adhering to them.No,never those were nothing,he was unstoppable in his progress,the mistakes made in yesteryears always served as a reminder to him,his accomplishment made him a hero at the end.

Thus the fire in him formerly was dying off.Seeking revenge never cross his mind again.For one many of those he seek to demolish had now gone to hell on their own.So the fire was slowly burning away without fuel to fan it, it will surely be extinct in no time.His ulterior motive now was to serve with all his heart and treat with importance as if the plantation as his very own.

Ken having been confirmed went on to prove his worth further.There were plenty of rooms for him to forge forward.For example the Boss had another rubber plantation in Gambang, where only 80 acres were Oil Palm the rest very old rubber and worst of all not in production.

Ken requested permission to clear them.The Boss gave his blessings but with no extra costings.No big deal actually as they had a Bulldozer,but he must planned it in such a way that did hinder any road repairs etc.,in the main plantation.To be frank those fields had no or not much stand of rubber trees.Only the bushy inter rows which were filled with "lallang, brackens" and small shrubs like the Siamese weeds and Straits Rodendrom.Clearing them was simple,just bulldozing was sufficient to clear the fields.

Within a week or two the clearings impressed the Boss very much.The bushes and few stands were set aside in huge stacks to be burnt later.Should there be sufficient rainfall the areas cleared would be planted with Oil Palms.That pleased the Boss very much as Ken was able to convert those bushy land into Oil Palms without incurring much expenses.Within a year or so he had the whole plantation under oil Palms.

Next he targeted another larger plantation in Kuantan,here similarly all the old rubber were neglected.Much of the old rubber stands were not in tapping and many of its trees stolen.Ken took the initiative to clear all those land with the same bulldozer.Hilly areas were also terraced and planted up with Oil Palms.

Some outsiders were critical of his methods,little did they know that those replanting were completed at a limited cost.Only fuels for the Bulldozer and the drivers pay,that was all.Ken just laughed at them,his intention was only to satisfy one man that was the Boss.If the Boss was pleased with his performance all those critics can go to hell.

For all his hard work Ken was given very hefty increments year after year and big bonuses too.Never had the Boss been so generous and lavished his bonuses giving,Ken was the first and only one.So pleased was he that fire in him went extinct.The very unfortunate thing was that all the other staffs never had a share in his glories good tidings especially the assistant.All increments were only to him.

All these forced the poor Assistant to find another job fast for as long as he stayed he will never be promoted.Ken's presence also made him to finalize his departure plans.There was a lesson here,never tried to frighten any new man or immediate superior,he might turned out to be a crouching tiger in disguised.

Going back to the main plantation initially he had problems with the Mill,when Ken showed his mantle and that he was already in the good books of the Boss he relented and was extremely careful when dealing with Ken.Thus their relationship improved with him more friendly.So tertiary education or not it made no difference.It was the performance of the day that really called the shots at the end.

Within his fifteen years in that company after the first Engineer who resigned to venture into his own business cam another jovial Engineer.This man Albert Tey,quite brilliant engineer stayed there for almost three years and he and Ken could get along very fine.

Ken's headache should be the old tractors,it ought to be should all spare parts were new but Ken got a way out for he knew of a second hand shop selling used Ford tractors parts that really cut the costs of running with old tractors.Regular servicing of tractors was another turning point for Ken for monthly changing and checking kept most of the tractors in running order and maintenance down.

Truthfully all were not plain sailing all the ways as the Boss had craftily tested Ken's honesty as he too had heard vicious stories about Ken in his previous jobs.There were offers of cash by contractors and many others but Ken was beaten once ignored all their advances.In payments too he was very careful as all cash in transit and were supported by vouchers and signed,so he made sure no one can framed him.

Ever been given a cheque by a contractor,a blank cheque with only the payee 's signature?All Ken had to do was to filled up the amount wanted,four to five thousand "ringgit"?.Sensing it a trap Ken told the contractor,"I fill the amount and deduct that off from our payments due to you,alright?".The contractor apologized and left with his cheque,never to bother him again.

All existing spare parts shops were also checked,many of them the Boss's old friends,all gave him a frank statement that Ken never asked for or received any commission from them.Ken was too experienced for all these, it was too amateurish.

Ken was new to pest control here,the major pest here were the elephants.The boundary adjacent to the secondary jungle was constantly patrolled by night patrols in the plantation land rover.There was also a shed built there where night patrol rest and fire carbide cannons to frighten those elephants.The pest was so fearful as they destroy all the young palms along the boundaries and beyond so much the palms never had the chance to grow up.

Electrical fencing did not deter them from coming in.Efforts to poisoned them failed.The elephants were too smart for these.They seem well educated to avoid all of them with eased.The cost of maintaining night patrol was costly.

Menaces of these pests kept on increasing.This was so because all captured elephants from elsewhere were transported to the sanctuary in Gunong Tahan further north,but most of these elephants being low land pests thus sorted lowlands in the south.The Lepar valley was their natural habitats so by instincts all of them traveled southward.

Facing all these pests all the planters from those affected plantations,thus got together and decided to finish them off once and for all.They resorted to such drastic measures because all their reports to the relevant Authorities failed to achieve any good results if any.

Thus a bounty hunter was engaged to eradicate the pests once and for.Initially the pests were eradicated by Ken's "jaga" or guard.The guard was apparently not trust worthy so they switched to a Chinese hunter,an excellent hunter very well versed with the Lepar jungle just like the veins of his hands.Agreed bounty was ringgit three thousand per pest shot.

Within his career all in at least fourteen pests were eradicated.As prove of kill all the hunter had to show was only its tail with viewing of the carcass if possible.Most of the tails were buried within the compound of Ken's bungalow.

The Boss by now had full trust in Ken for he paid those bounty without any questioning.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Chapter 11 The Raging Fire Burning Soothingly

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! never ending surprises.
That was what were installed for Ken.Very obvious those staffs and contractors did not welcome him.Their awkward reception was telling .

First surprise was the the office building.It was an old wooden building slightly slanting,a storm could have brought that down easily but that never happened, it with stood all those,odd is it not so?.

The Assistant and the conductors were present and introduced to him.The Contractors were also there.All of them were smiling sceptically especially the Assistant.He put on a sour face all through that introduction.
He was showed his office all plank partition.All expected Ken to leave the moment he saw all those unimpressive things around.

Later Ken found out that the Assistant had expected a promotion when his Manager left but the Boss never promote him and he had been there nearly ten years.The problem with him was that he never think back as to why he was not given the promotion.Reasons later on.

Following he was showed an old bungalow,a semi-detached bungalows.The first on was occupied by the Assistant.The vacant lot was reserved for Ken.Second surprise was there were no furniture,just a "few" but flimsy,like a bed without mattress.All appeared to have been cleaned recently.By then the executive had left,so no one to complained to.

An old Dahatsu jeep was also reserved for him as well as a motor cycle.Somehow Ken felt that those people had expected him to leave without second thought but they were in for a disappointment as Ken was a hardy man.All these were nothing to him he can bear with them,beside he was really hard up for a job.Sleeping without mattress was nothing new to Ken,as long he had his blanket with him there was no stopping him to sleep without the mattress.

When lunch time came Ken drove out to town for it,similarly he did likewise for dinner.That evening he passed the night without the comfort of a mattress.He slept well that night,much to the disappointment of all those who never expect him to stay.Maybe some other would have marched out but not Ken.He was there to work and work he must,by hook or by crook.He had a responsibility to his dear family.

Next early morning he was in for further surprises.Being new he was the first one to arrived at the office for muster.His staffs drifted in one by one lazily and it was the same with the Assistant.With the office opened by a staff Ken went straight into his office.His next surprise was that he according to the Assistant should prepare the muster chit.What bloody nonsense was that.Nevertheless he slowly prepared it after muster.He was definitely not pleased with that.

Later that day he called the Head office who immediately sen him the new mattresses and some furniture.A set of sofa was obtained from the new bungalow which was v=never resided by any Manager.

He kept his patient just to find out what all these people were trying to do.In any case it was good start as he had first hand knowledge what and where those workers were going.Next he walked to the workshop where the tractors were serviced.The drivers saw him going round quickly drove off to their respective taking the contract harvesters with them.

On closer look he found out that most of his tractor force were old tractors all above fifteen years except one four wheel drive which slightly newer.Fortunately all were Ford tractors.Prior to this his tractor force was only two tractors,now that he had fifteen older ones,it definitely be more challenging.

Armed with the plantation map he went round the fields with the Assistant guiding him. He only showed Ken all the main roads.Actually that was excellent,for the fields although very hilly had only some top roads and middle roads despite the age of all palms were about ten years and slightly older.

Luckily the plantation had an old bulldozer for road maintenance only.With this in working order Ken had thus a plan to improve its road system.His knowledge of the "Catherine's wheel" thus had apart to play.

With his previous experiences all those above were now "Sub, Sub, Seow" or small matters - no problems.What he experienced in previous encounters thus thus came in good used.There was nothing to stop him as he could stream rolled over them with ease.

His predecessor was a Taiwan graduate with no plantation experiences that was why there was so much Ken could do to make himself out shone the predecessor.Called it experience if you may but luck was surely with him all the way.By now Ken can perceived clearly that his downfall elsewhere were actually some sort of blessings in disguised.

His level of dealing with opposing forces also changed dramatically,having read the Chinese version of "The Art of War",he now know to adapt to fighting his enemies the correct way with much patient and tolerance.He may have erred in his previous encounters but now he has learned to be able forgive and forget,but shall strike when the right time lures him to demolish any opponents.To strike back not only the enemies be demolished but condemned or displaced forever.

Further to continue with some more surprises he initially encountered.The Assistant thinking that Ken do not know how to handle the check-rolls passed them all over to him.He pretended as though not knowing accepted all those jobs which should rightly be his.Ken with ease slowly completed them.There were some minor problems at first but soon he got used to them and did all those much to the Assistant surprised.

His intention was to drive Ken away with the job load.How foolish and immature was his numb mind.For Ken he accepted those jobs as a challenge and secondly by doing the check-rolls he could study the work force he had in hand.So were the payments to contractors,what better ways to know them better?.

He ability caught the Assistant dumbfounded,then he knew Ken was actually well equipped to perform and no obstacles can deny him due success.

Another surprise was the Mill Engineer,a well respected man in the Company.The "Dato" was very impress with his performances.His ability to sweet talk to the Boss made him the more admirable in the eyes of all.

Ken had been there hardly two months many office staffs from the Head office begin to compare him with Ken.Poor Ken being new was ridiculed by all because the Engineer had tertiary education thus was more systematic in his work unlike Ken who had only secondary education.Fortunately those comments from the staffs and the Dato.Even his staffs and Contractors agreed with them.Ken knew who to please definitely not those criticizing him.

Ken apparently knew all these and he stood his ground firmly,with tolerance and patient,then he reacted slow and steadily.The third month he began to change the routine of the bulldozer driver instructing him to construct and cut immediately new bottom roads in all fields.Beginning from the end of the younger fields which were hilly and where harvesting at its bottom hills were neglected.

His action caught the Boss by surprised as he went round the fields.Was he pleased?Yes he was,he marveled at that improvements.Not only could he visualized what was at the foothill,all crops therein were also harvested and collected back to the Mill.Collections of loose fruits were also properly done.Prior to this spraying at its foothill were not seen properly with that road the hill sides had to be cleared.

Later with those bottom roads constructed he attention turned to the top roads and add in more field roads in the middle.All these gaped the mouths of all including all the contractors and staffs,for now they were forced to supervise their fields properly.

Existing bamboo grooves along the sides of ravines and lakes were also cleared.Previously they had claimed that removing those bamboo grooves were be too costly.Was it? Ken just ordered the bulldozer to bulldoze them straight into the ravines and lakes,what so expensive ? It was a fisherman's tale,because so doing those fishing around the lakes for example will have their hooks entangled in all those bamboo therein.

The driver himself a fisherman reserved several good spots for himself so in reality not all areas were blocked.Besides all the lakes were over fished by those from outside the plantation.The demolished grooves thus served as a conservation for fishes and does wonder for the environment.

Secondly whenever Ken went to the Head office for weekly reports,Ken had them all well prepared in his file.So pleased was the Boss that it was Ken explaining his jobs and his intentions etc.,point for point.On finishing he will request the Boss to correct him whenever he thought otherwise but it was always "Okay you go ahead with everything you planned'.

The Boss even made a comment that Ken was likened to an unpolished diamond,those white skin do not know how to handle good people to bring out their best,they only wanted "balls carrier".To those people in their corporate world those who knows how to carry 'balls"were trusted workers,how absurd of them.They were to employ Managers to manage not to employ social workers if that should be the case it would be better to employ pretty girls,don't you think so?

The Mill had always complained about the plantation's crop but he was always at hand to show improvements.Harvesters harvesting tall palms,under ripe crop was a common affair.Being hilly especially during rainy seasons ,missed out crops in the fields were also common leading to over ripe FFB being left out in the fields.An offend was always in the wrong so he admitted all in faults and promised immediate rectifications,he humbly apologized to the Boss.All these pleased the Boss very much,for he does like to see the Mill and the plantation arguing and quarreling over trivial matters.

All these put Ken into his good books and the tales that he was no better than the Mill engineer lost as days drifted by.No one dare to say that Ken was no good and within five months Ken was confirmed as Manager of that plantation with an hefty increment.With those self-styled approached thus sealed all the mouths of those who belittled him.

Actually the Boss had earlier allowed Ken to move into the new bungalow which was constructed two years ago,but the Boss refused to allocate that to his predecessor.Hardly three months in that plantation he got the permission to shift in.It was simple all he asked was only to connect the existing generator without requesting for a new one and most of all cut down the running time of the generators.

Within a short time he converted the garden of the Bungalow into a beautiful garden with abundance of a large variety of flowers and fruit trees.The Boss even allowed him to built a high fencing around that bungalow.There were also purple creepers with plenty of flowers blooming over the fence and gates.It was so amazing that the Boss brought to see what Ken had done to the Bungalow.

The Boss even gave him a full grown Alsatian to guard the bungalow.Later he was given another dog,this time a Rock Weller.How thoughtful of him.Ken also kept a number of their dogs.Ken's family occasionally came to stay with him,as their children were schooling in Bentong initially, thereafter shifted to Kuala Lumpur as they enter college.
With that cut in supply he reduced the expenditure of running its electricity that was all.That pleased the Boss very much,but to Ken that was nothing new,he experienced those long time ago.A thing his predecessor does not comprehend.

With his confirmation Ken began to change other things though he had only a very weak staffs under him.The three conductors all poorly educated ,nevertheless since they already been employed it was his duty to train them to work to his procedure to achieved better performances from them.He re-organized their work routines,allotting them to each a contractor or fields and making them worked out the check-rolls in turn.Thus making them also well versed with it.

The contractors payments he retained the working out of it for himself.He left his Assistant in a lurch with nothing accept by going round the fields like a bloody fool.Anyway it was he who asked for it by trying to be funny betraying him in the first instance when he first came.He could do nothing as it was already a well known fact that the Boss did not like him or even trust him.

Having pushed to a corner he left for a better position later.He was so smart that Ken could not fit him into his plans only obedient staffs fitted his agenda.The contractors who were with him all along, yielded and behaved like good puppies, for they now know who is Boss over them.Only obedient contractors can survive under him.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chapter 10 The Raging Fire Rages On Slowly

In Bentong life was tough for him for he had to help out with his wife in her mother's rubber estate.They were providing transport to many other tappers as well,so the little income helped.

He and his beloved wife had actually planned out a hard life for themselves and further were prepared to plant vegetables for a living.They were in fact trying to locate an area for it.When in trouble you really know who your friends and relatives were.

At the same time he applied for a planting position for a plantation in Pahang.But in the meantime he had to work in that holding which belonged to his in-laws.Just imagine a planter having to perform all those manual jobs to survive but it was no bloody shame to toil for one's food if not for himself but for his family.

The children had their schooling transferred to Bentong as well. Two girls in secondary school and one boy in standard six.As the schools were only a short distance away there was no problem of transport to school and back.With that settled Ken could concentrate on his next move.

He and his wife worked for two months before he received a letter from Kuantan requesting his presence for an interview for the Manager position he had applied for.He kept his fingers crossed as he waited patiently for that date to come.

At the appointed date he went there for the interview.In Kuantan he thought there were many other candidates but there were none accept him.According to the secretary the Boss wished to see him only and no others.That was why he did not have to wait long before the Boss called him in for the interview.

The Boss spoke briefly for the way he acted apparently he wanted only to view Ken's personality.Ken was not made to talk much thereafter.Further he requested Ken to see his brother.Ken mistook him and instead went wrongly to see another senior executive.Then he left for home.

He had given hope when all of a sudden , a month later he received another letter requesting his present at the Boss office again.When he saw the Boss who told him of the mistake otherwise he should be working by now.So he advised Ken to see his brother and Ken without any mistake saw the "Dato". The "Dato" appeared pleased and gave his blessings.

Keeping his kept fingers crossed he went about his normal routine helping his wife.Days were just as difficult as he still had to maintain all his children in school.Things were not that smooth going as there some problems with the in-laws etc. but those could be overcome by keeping silent.

Following a week later he received an appointment letter confirming his appointment and was to report for duty as soon as possible.That news made his whole family very happy.Now,thinking back, he realized that it was very important not to tarnish his name when he was at the peak of his career.He lost some money intelligently,that was actually a smart move.Otherwise he would not have secured that position.

The Boss also have knowledge of his past in Good Tree through his friends and many sales representatives of fertilizers,herbicides and insecticides Companies.His decision to give Ken the opportunity to prove himself after all he was only allotting Ken six months probation during which he must prove himself or out he goes.

To an experience Ken six month was a bit too much.He had dealt with "Chinaman" Company before and this should be just as easy.But that was never to be so,because the new Boss was an economic graduate.The first batch from Malayan University in Singapore.So it should not be so easy meat as Ken imagined.

He joined that Company with an open heart,and his wife packed for him on that fateful day.The plantation he was to report for duty was in Kg.Sri Jaya,a tiny village just after Maran town.He arrived there in the morning by an in-law's taxi.

There he waited for the executive from the head office to take him into the
plantation.It was along wait which lasted nearly an hour or slightly more.Waiting for some one who were never punctual was really frustrating,but what to do,as he was new to the Company,.otherwise he can go to hell.He finally arrived with an apology and a stupid smile.

Finally he traveled with him into the plantation.There were many surprises installed for him.The weather seemingly cold.

Now that he was finally employed again as a wage earner,the chances of seeking revenge looked brighter.This time he will saved enough for that caused.Those who offended him must pay and pay dearly.Time of reckoning will be very sweet,Ken wanted to look into their smart faces when the time come and split on them.

The fire in him still rages on,its intensity very much hang on this new position,should he failed then the fire will glowed to new heights and maybe explode.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chaptert 9 The Ragging Fire Re-kindled.

Ten peaceful years thus gone by,the itch in Ken for wanting to improve himself and lift himself and beyond.Encouraged by the many friends who were successful in business,Ken thought it was wise to move on into business.He do not want to be an employee he hope to become a Boss himself.

When the opportune time arrived he served his Boss a notice of resignation.He had wanted a peaceful and amicable departure but it was not be.No sooner had he submitted his resignation his Boss astonished him by behaving angrily.He initiated Ken with a hailed of all sort of accusations.

He accused Ken of being the most corrupted and dishonest towards him and threatened with prosecutions etc..The sudden changed was so quick and intense.Ken was stunted by all these accusations.In any case the damages already done he thus had to face them.

Following he had a discussion with the Boss which ended the Boss wanted him to pay back what he claimed Ken had swindled him.There was no concrete proofs that Ken ever took those money,but he insisted.Ken pondered over this and surrendered to him the requested sum.The Boss promised he will further investigate the matter,and should Ken be not guilty return him the money.A thing this Boss never did,nor did he investigated,he just wanted Ken to pay him that was all,some mean B.......

Ken had given thoughts over those matters and he yielded to his demand because he knew pretty well that he was at a disadvantage what ever the circumstances, guilty or otherwise.Ken was at the threshold of the peak of his working career and he therefore can not effort any spot or blemishes to destroy his planting career.

He had been dishonorably discharged in Good Tree therefore and any prosecution would definitely demarcated his future.He had by now bigger responsibilities - his immediate family to think of.To lose a little can lead to a long way of goodness,was he right?Yes he was.

Further more in good fate he had just struck four digits for a small sum and to save his skin this money came in handy.Perhaps God had sensed it coming to him send him that money.Maybe yes maybe no,but the money was surely came in good time.After all what was a few thousand dollars when your name is at stake.Losers must also be smart.

Harboring within the fire of anger rekindled and glowing with this fuel,and to knock this damn wretched Boss off the surface of the earth was the easiest.Because this stupid Boss like to eat in the estate office whenever he came for visits.

Most the time he will packed fried "Keoy Teow" from a local restaurant.He had a very salty tastes.In that he had small bottle of "kitchap",or black "soya" source in the office solely for his used.To avenge, Ken all had to do was only simply add in one or two drops of paraquat into that tiny bottle,that will definitely transport him to hell after some sufferings.A good idea in deed but that can wait when the time come.

Ken knew the plantation like the veins of his palms.With ease he can come back in future without being notice.Even notice so what most of the workers still respect him,so there was never a problem to finish him off.He actually can take his time to kill him slowly and gently.

The money paid to silent his ego was never wasted.He erred in letting Ken go,had he had the proves to prosecute Ken.But he does not have them that was why he took the money,for this he will pay doubly in due course.

Ken actually resigned to venture into business.With friends they started movable mini-sawmill sawing fresh rubber trunks into serviceable timbers for furniture etc.They first had their sawmill on site at Sungai Tinggi Estate.They had three band saws running at full strength.Production was good.

But what they do not know was that the furniture manufacturers were extremely strict in accepting their deliveries.First the sawn timber or rubber wood must be treated with insecticides to prevent borers attack.Secondly these timber must be air dried before deliveries.Thirdly all notch and all black pigments and splits must excluded from the dispatches.

On paper the project was very attractive and viable,but in reality it was not so because of just the above reasons.All the above were overcome with difficulties but when the tine for collection of their payments Ken and company hit another hitch,that was that the payments were unduly and extremely late.

Late payments will mean further deduction of profit.Workers and fuel had to be purchased and paid fully in cash.Without it the mill will stop indefinitely so they adhered to borrowing from every where possible.All these cut down their profit margin.

They even sold their timber to other dealers but unfortunately all of them the same.Thus profits became no profit.Since it was in operation they had to carry on.

As if insufficient another problem arose and that was licensing of the machinery used.The District Forestry Officer were uncooperative and were directing them here and there,running from Shah Alam to Petaling Jaya and then to Rawang.Thus sending on a "merry go round" wasting a lot of time and money on a wild goose chased,

This was so because these people do not know what to do themselves.Timber from the forest they understand but rubber wood,they and nobody seem to know how to go about it.So they ran into problems with the Forestry Departments.Time and again their band saws were put under locks by their enforcement officers.

Since there was nothing or any warrants to stop them they broke those locks and began production again that include changing of localities to avoid them.It worked for sometime.

Securing rubber wood was not an issue for one of the partners had no problem in securing felling contracts,thus one head ache solved.

They later started an estate supplies business hoping that since they know most of the plantations and planters around their business should not failed.It went on for several months before all the partners quit because of some differences in matters in the running of that shop.Thus Ken took over the business.

The sawmilling despite of its many problems ran for three years before the partners called it a day.The never ending problems finally won and they had to close shop.Had they the capital to run that mill till today all of them could end out to be millionaires but it was not.

Ken in fact had secretly applied for an Industrial site for the expansion of its mill operations but as it was the project failed and Ken had no means to continue his ambitious plan to expand.

Ken carried on with the estate supplied business.Business was not very good though many friends from the planting sector gave him some support.Estate supply business was never so lucrative as it seem to be.It was so competitive with prices so low and profit margin only a few percents or even nil.

Ken had to handle everything himself like sales and deliveries,with his wife watching over the shop most of the time.Turn over was slow and had to rely on bank loans etc.Many a time petty buyers swindling them.Some small loses was common.So clouded with problems and most important not making any profits.

Despite the fact he tried to develop more business,the low profit margin could not cover all his expanses. Bank loans were also on his heel ,with so much to deal with and with so little he pulled on until the middle of 1985.

One of the most important Ken learned from his business ventures were firstly,if one does have sufficient funds to run any business ,do not indulged in it.Secondly should one share business with any partners,he should be the controlling partner.Thirdly do not get involved with any business without full knowledge of it.
Those were certainly an expensive involvements.

Thereafter he surrendered the shop and selling it he retreated to Bentong.He was jobless in Bentong and resided in a rented house.With no income his wife was forced to tap rubber in her mother's holdings.Ken had to help out every morning.Life was definitely difficult.He was angry with himself,he was never a businessman he was a planter a wage earner never a businessman.

His venture into business was a stupid mistake,for he should have stayed on as paid employee rather than a businessman.He thought that hard work can make a successful businessman,how wrong he was.He was never a salesman,no way.

The fire in him kept burning with more rages.This time he was annoyed with himself.He was now not alone he had a family that would make the difference.Therefore he must get out of that wretched position fast to keep his growing children together.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chapter 8 The Ragging Fire Laid Dorment

Something that amazes Ken was that he was told to hold on as the position he applied for was now held by another new recruit.He was advised to assist that new guy.Well beggars cannot choose and have to show absolute obedience.

Fortunately he arrived there alone leaving his family in Karak,Pahang.Ken's accommodation was with the Sr.Conductor who was a bachelor.Ken's intention was solely to return to planting what ever it takes.By now he must changed his attitude and to go along what was offered.

Say what you like luck was seemingly by his side because not long after he settled down the new Manager was caught red handed trying to pilferage Rubber from the plantation.So very immature of him.

He was actually inexperience for a start and he was given the task over Ken only because he could sweet talk his ways around all the Proprietors.Fortunately he could not lived up to his billing.

Two weeks after Ken joined the plantation he mishandled a load of Rubber Smoked Sheets.Ken by now had knowledge whom he could divert his confidence in, the lorry driver,who was employed by the plantation.

He took the driver secretly aside and ordered him to immediately report to the Managing Director should he ever come across any misdeeds. So when the new Manager overloaded the following trip of rubber.That new man thought he was very smart as he escorted that trip down to the sales godown only to unload what was specified in the invoice.

Remaining rubber on board were transported to his own rubber shop.Little did he knew by then the driver had made an excused to ease himself during which he called the Boss.Thus the Manager was caught red handed by the police.

In so doing Ken was given the credit because the driver had informed the Boss that it was Ken who induced him to make that call without fail.With that the Manager was sacked and Ken took over from him.

Following his wife and child moved in with him,all residing with the Conductor as the Bungalow was not properly vacated.He had not settled down properly then came the great flood of Batang Berjuntai in late December 1970.The flood lasted nearly ten days or so.

The whole plantation was under more than two feet of water except the small hill in the middle of the plantation.This was where the bungalows and staff quarters were.The workers' quarters were on the other side of the hill.

Not passable by light vehicles, accept the plantation's lorry,so everyone in need of food were told to follow in that lorry.Ken and conductor went along .Ken's wife went along too for only she knew what to buy?

All along the way were under water.How fortunate the town situated on top of another hill was safe.On arriving everyone went all out to buy their rations and had a cup of tea or so.Marketing was also done,fish and meat were available.How lucky were they?

When the flood was over Ken shifted into the huge bungalow exactly constructed on top of that small hill.He not only turned the bungalow into a beautiful orchid garden,he also proved to the Boss what he was made of.

Having a long list of failures behind him Ken went all out to prove himself.The plantation was not doing very well and he almost single handed pulled the plantation out of it doldrums.The staff he had especially the conductor was one of the proprietor's son,so what could one possibly expect any good job from him.His jr.conductors were new and inexperienced.

It was very unfortunate that at least two junior conductors were driven insane by his work horse attitude.Apparently they could not how absolved the pressure because Ken was everywhere.So poor guys just broke down not that they did not try.

The Boss did test the honesty of Ken as Ken knew as a Chainsaw Contractor tried to bride him .Ken did not accept his bride and later found out that it was a trap set by the Boss.Such low down trick cannot induced Ken for he was satisfied with what the Boss paid him.Ken was too experienced for such whimsical tricks.

He encountered a hitch during the first replanting of an old rubber area.Everything went smoothly except that when initial planting they had a visitor.Apparently the Boss requested a certain Lee Shin chin,a shorty from a small pineapple holding to come and viewed the newly cleared field for replanting to Oil Palm.

This shorty had no respect for the palms planted for he went round kicking the planted to test it stability.What an unkind attitude.Ken disappointed just told him off and ignored him.Ken had early waited for him in town and then brought him directly to the field had no time checking the planting.Should these be not firmly planted Ken will definitely make those involved to re-do or replant them rectifying everything,so what big deal?That shorty was just trying to show off,what from a pineapple planter?

Of course the Boss was very pleased with Ken's performance.They even gave him a land rover for work.Besides,this estate he was also further placed in charged of two other areas.There was an estate of 350 acres in Kajang and another two small properties in Kerling.

Ken knew the future of Oil Palm was going to be good so he convinced the Boss to replant the old seedling stands into Oil Palm.The Boss gave his blessings and Ken went on to establish one area after another.With a short term the Oil palms matured and were in productions and bring in profits.All the bosses were very happy.

So when Ken's car was burnt off by accident or otherwise they gave him a loan to purchase a new one.Within that period Ken also converted the whole of the estate in Kajang into oil Palm which also pleased the Boss very much.The rising price of Oil Palm during that period also played an important role in Ken meteoric rise.

The Boss was also interested in planting Cocoa and Ken worked out a plan for their planting on trail basis.The price of cocoa was also very impressive.Thus an area was cleared for the transplanting of cocoa.As it matured in extremely fast time more planting materials were purchased from a plantation in Bagan Datoh.Actually it was in advisable to plant cocoa as the Boss was a very suspicious man,forever harboring that most people were pilferers.

The Boss was a Chinese tea merchant and had a small factory behind his bungalow to season tea for sales.China tea were then prepared and mixed with Javanese tea to blend them into drinkable tea as if from China.Ken many a time acted as tea taster at his home office.

Chinese tea should have that slight bitter taste at its tail end of drink,so much so at times Guava young shoots were mixed in to secure the extra kick or hummm.The seasoning equipments were all electronically controlled.The Boss himself took an active role in all its process,because he do not trust anyone under him.

Despite all odds and that the Boss was a mean and difficult to work with,Ken survived under him for exactly ten years during that time he was classified as excellent,hardworking and honest beyond descriptions.Within those glorious years Ken two other children were born,a girl and a boy three years later.Those were the lucky years and Ken has proved beyond fantasies that he was really good as a planter.

Within such time the fire within him still burned with less fury but the anger still lingers on,waiting for an appropriate time to explode when he was ready.He knew would come sooner or later.When the time come hell will definitely broke loose.

Many a time he wasted no time in target practices with guns borrowed from friends and studied how to manage them.The fire in him still burnt with lesser intensity.Also now that he had a bigger family he had responsibilities beyond descriptions.

First love was never off his mind and he still hide within his mind the love he had for her.There were days that he had nightmare about her and those dreadful dreams brought tears flooding his eyes and flowing down his cheeks.The situation cannot be averted but the memories still reigned and it will be there forever.

Ten beautiful years thus gone by,and Ken wanted a changed.Now that he had been deeply and affectionately attached to planting can he changed if he wanted to?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chapter 7 The Ragging Fire Loosing Its Fury?

Initially he reported for duty at the Kuala Lumpur head office and the Secretary took him to Kuala Kubu Badru.He was introduced to the out going manager who was retiring.
The plantation office was at second floor of a shop lot.

No accommodation was available, so he was forced to stay in a Hotel-the only one in town.Apparently he was given the best room,the front room.Quite a quiet place and clean with only a ceiling fan,seemingly haunted.It seem that in a small town like this very seldom visitors lodged there.Imagine he alone going to lodge there,quite scary,Ken suspected so.

The other place would be the rest house,since that was highly recommended Ken had to stay there temporary,no other option.Also the rest house was some distant away from the office.

It was a "cowboy" town only no horses around.It was also fortunate he did not brought his girl friend along otherwise she be scared especially when Ken report for work.Down stair was the coffee shop where food was also available.So very convenient.

As the old manager left the car he was using was handed over to Ken.An old Volkswagon but in good order.There was no handing over notes etc.,but the Conductor was to show him around initially.

Ken slowly set to settle down knowing not what to expect ahead of him.Now that he has a job there was no more worries to bother him.But was the ragging fire within him dying off.No never he could never erased those ugly faces that were so bias and offensive towards him. How can he forget so easily.Not only that he had yet to show all who belittle that he could not written off with ease.He was positive he could achieved success in his new encounters that should ultimately shut their gap for good.

In that mean time that should put to rest temporary,put on hold but not forgotten.Revenge can be easy but has to plan for them.Ken was serious in seeing their dying faces and urinate on them.

Going back to the plantation he was now presently employed in.The plantation was actually owned by the Loke family,since he died in a plane crushed the management was taken over by one Gan who once wrote a thesis in Rubber Research Institute on extracting oil from rubber seeds .Anyway he was the only creature on earth who wrote about that and one else ever tried.

His thesis was not challenging but rubber seed oil what rubbish only a joker could have thought of that.In any case he was a very mean and funny old man not only that he was stingy.All these Ken was soon to discover about his Boss.

His staffs consisted of a Conductor and a junior conductor.The conductor was the son of the Retired Manager.Armed with the plantation's map,Ken made the conductor drove him to the plantation on his first day of work.The plantation being 1300 acres or so,was situated along the Kuala Kubu Bahru to Kuala Lumpur highway that was the old road not the present highway.

The plantation had an frightening past,as few years back the lorry used to transport tappers early in morning had a terrible and horrifying accident in which twenty over of its tappers perished.It was half way to the plantation from Rasa.

Tapping was in full swing in some of the fields.The road leading to plantation had to go below a railway line.The whole plantation was actually part of a huge hill.Thus the whole plantation was hilly .All went well for the first month,then the Boss sent for him.

He was to report to him at his bungalow in Kuala Lumpur.Ken went there at the appointed time.While there Ken gave the Boss,Mr Gan his view of the plantation and suggested changes.The Boss gave his blessings for changes if necessary.

First he suggested a change of venue for the office and place to reside in for him and the conductor.Secondly the Contractor's attitude towards his administration of tappers must also be rectified.Thirdly,all tree laces must be weighed and returned to the plantation.Gladly the Boss accepted.All beneficial to the Company surely he agreed but.........

With his permission a new shop lot was rented for the office where the main room was occupied by Ken and the conductor given another room.With that settled Ken brought in his wife to to be with him.Everything went on fine.

Then he disallowed all the tappers to take away tree laces and some lumps home,it seem they wanted them for lighting fire only.What? two to three kilos of them for lighting fire?Ridiculous but it happened.Being an order everyone follow suit.

The Contractor was damn mad as he was ordered to come into the fields as well and supervised his tappers as well.Further Ken compelled him to do payments to workers before the 7th of every month as stipulated in the Employment ordinance.

In the plantation he abide by the order but he slowly resorted to going to the Boss directly.Apparently he cried at the Boss residence claiming that he was mistreated by a young pup and no one dared touch him accept Ken.

Seeing that that deterred the Boss he went on to complaint about the gambling session Ken had.What gambling it was only "diplomatic poker" not big stake gambling at the District officer's residence.Being a small town those participants were the Bank Manager and one or two "towkays".So no big deal.

It was just an entertainment as there was no others around.Besides Ken had no big money with him to gamble big.It was also a matter of knowing people around who knows someday might required their assistance. The Police Officer was also there,so Ken was trying to get around.

This the Boss never understand or refused to understand until,,there came to a point that Ken had to give the Boss an ultimatum,it was either the contractor to go or he resigned.Since the Boss did not or refused he thus resigned.

One thing funny in this small town was that his lorry driver,a small size old man,turned out to be gang leader,a very brave old man.It was he who protected Ken other gang who tried to extort from him.This old man dared to challenge them alone telling them,"Touch him,you have to go through me".Those gangster refrained.Ken was also introduced to other gang leaders of his gang and also attended a grand dinner at their place.

It was no used serving for someone who trusted the contractor than his Manager.So he left within that six months frame of probation.

Ken getting fed up with the plantation got a job at his Uncle's sawmill in Karak,Pahang in 1968.The sawmill had concession of large tract of timber land from the state government.Even though it was not his line of trade he nevertheless gave it a trial.

He shifted to Karak with his wife.Later 1969 he was married to his wife officially by the Chinese custom way because the wife's parents cannot accept the Registrar of marriage so he had to marry her out of her house officially witnessed by all relatives.Well he did just that to satisfy her parents.

There was no money for the marriage and he planned it as simple as possible.Even the car for the marriage was the Sawmill's manager's car.It was a 1300 c.c. Opel brand new car.So very kind of him to be the driver,too.Of course the wife's side threw a lavish dinner in Bentong.For Ken it was a simple lunch in Petaling Jaya with only five tables for closed relatives and friends.That was just after 13th.May 1969.

The prospects in the Sawmill appeared to be a good choice but his Uncle too had a host of other nephews also employed there,also wanting his help as well for promotion as well.Well,here too he meet a joker who wanted him out of the way.Why do people always had to pick on him all the time?Something must be drastically wrong ?

Maybe Ken's links were not powerful enough but one thing is sure Ken was the easier scrape goat,because his Auntie was always siding him.People who wanted favour from the Uncle always used tales to convince him to get into his good books.Then there was another Uncle from Teluk Anson who was very critical of Ken fearing that he would take over his nephew's place at the Mill.

Ken was only securing a small allowance for his present at the Mill,so difficult was time that the poor wife had to tap rubber for a relative.Fortunately it was young rubber just came into tapping and within town area,,so quite simple job just shaving the newly opened cuts.

Ken sensing that the position at the Mill does not suit him at all,his life should be in the plantation sector. Realizing that he began making application for a planting position.Even though the Uncle had wanted to send him for further training regarding the Mill,but the point was he did not want to compete with all the others,causing all unnecessary troubles.He already had sufficient problems of his own.Most important he does not want his beloved wife to suffer and with the baby due he must changed fast.

Some how luck apparently was on his side the month before the birth of his first child he received a letter offering him a Manager's job at an estate in Batang Berjuntai,Selangor.With happiness he accepted the position.

The baby came in October 1970,two weeks before he joined that plantation.So after celebrating the birth of the baby girl he left for the plantation the same month.
Now with the child around will the fire within him dies off. No,no never his anger for those who had done him injustice previously he still wanted revenge.

Even then his number of enemies in record had risen.He definitely had a longer list now.So far he had absolved failures after failures.He could not believe that life could so cruel to him.Now that he had a child and a family to defend he should worked doubly hard.Thus he will be joining the new position with a heavy burden and heart.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Chapter 6 Ragging Fire turning into a Huge Time bomb

Keeping his head bowed low Ken joined the Training Centre at Sua Betong Estate,Sua Betong,Port Dickson.At the Centre were three other Cadets who were once under him.Embarrassed as he was he clinked shamefully on with a firm grip.

His shortcomings had left him in a lurch,there was no way out so he had to stay put,keeping his fingers crossed and hoping for the best.Was the best to come,only the Lord knows.They surely know how to humble a man.

Now he had learned to endure shame and survived with it.He must learn to swallow bitterness with a gulp and carry on the difficult task ahead.He must be vigilante and be fighting fit to over come all obstacles ahead of him.The long road and times ahead would be very tough he understands but wherever there was a will there is a way.

He and all the Cadets resided in rooms provided,each to a room.There was a cook to cook their daily meals and breakfasts.Their laundries were also done by her.

Daily training consisted of fields' work in varies plantations of the group.In the afternoon were mostly self reading with the Manager sitting around at his office.He seldom lectures the cadets accept for one his favourites "Catherine's wheel"for plantation road system.

He was supposed to be an expert in book-keeping which he instructed all to read on their own. Those were the every day activities.For Ken all these were things he already knew and had to revise over them.For surveying Ken actually had to learn for he did not know surveying.

The Manager an old man in his sixties and ex-chief clerk who walked like duck with stomach bulging out front and backside tilting upwards,was bias and prejudice towards Ken, as he knew briefly about Ken.In actual fact Ken was a lost case at the very beginning.Because he never dared looked into the eyes of Ken and always looked away.This proved that he ill advised about Ken from the very start no matter how hard he tried he was on his way out.

Ken was also astonished when the assistant from Sg. Raya Division came to the Centre to lodge a compliant against Ken for the lost of a "Tapping Manual".Ken already well versed with both Rubber Research Institute's system and the Good Tree's system denied any knowledge of it.Ken had absolutely no use for it,for he knew the manual by hard.So no big deal.And utmost important that was one of the question of the I,S.P.exam. on rubber and he spotted that question,he was right on target.They lost some rubbish and tried to blame Ken,absurd- sheer nonsense.

Within three months in that Centre Ken passed the Incorporated Society of Planters examination in Estate Practice (Rubber),he only secured a congratulation letter from the Personnel Manager,that was all.This examination was supposed to be an important subject for planters and Ken passed.Many senior and some Managers also sat for that examination but never got through.That was a fact which cannot be denied.

As per contract in his appointment letter it was stated there will be an increment if and when he passed any I.S.P.examination.Guess it was because he was sent to the Training centre they dropped it for him.

Ken strolled over a secret of the Training Centre and that was there was a key to a drawer of the Manager's table,thus having access to important files and test papers.Little wander how some students of previous batches and one or two of the cadets did so well.Apparently that key was handed down from previous batch of cadets.Ken made a mistake of not exposing that fact otherwise it would never be him that will leave the Centre towards the end of the course.But God always smiled on those who were honest.

Ken then smelled the dead rat,yes.he was not wanted anymore and they were murdering him in a nice and polite way.So it does not matter whether he accomplished anything or not it was of no value.Seeing this Ken started applying for a position elsewhere.Little did he know these were all in vain because his wretch name by now stink throughout the planting industries.

That was why that Manager had not the courtesy to look at him throughout the course.The time bomb within had been produced but never ready to detonate.To Ken he imagined of blasting the heads of all those who have offended off.The Training Manager and the plantation Manager were the worst of all hypocrites.

Ken biting his teeth stayed on because of the payments and he had no where to go.With a smile he continued that course.
Then came the final examinations at the head office ,poor Ken suffered a nervous breakdown although he tried to conceal it he could not write even properly and thus handing over papers with shaky writing and thus handling over an incomplete and unimpressive answers.Not that he did not know how to answer those silly questions, he fumbled because of that nervous breakdown.

Not surprising he failed the examination and had to go finally.Who was to blame for such out come.Ken knew now that he had to return to avenge this injustice and all those who responsible for his misfortune.They did not give him the chance neither will he when the time come.Revenge will definitely be sweeter that way.The looks on their stupid faces and the blood they will split will quench his thirst were also nicer.

On that faithful day of his ill fated departure there was no one to send him off neither did any bide him farewell.It was indeed a very very sad occasion.In shame he traveled back to Teluk Anson.He felt so lost with no one to console him,no one he could confide in or at least a reliable shoulder to cry on.No,there was none.

He went to the riverside at night and looked forlornly at the distance water pondering over and over again his failures and his life.He was only twenty five and he had lost the battle tasted failures.

His set back made him a very sad man,his mind ran through his long list of girl friends whom he could trust and he came up with only one.So without losing any seconds he inquired as where she would be.All were not lost and found out through a friend of hers.

Without hesitation he traveled all the way to Yong Peng,Johore.He found her alright at a beauty and Hair saloon and she was so surprised to see him.She was more beautiful than before they parted.
Apparently she had by now many admirers.Fortunately she was still not attached to anyone and through some persuasion she relented and accepted him once again.It was a great relieved, so easy because she was madly in love with him so no problem.

He had hurt her feelings yet she forgave him and there after he took her home.Now he had a shoulder to lean on and luck certainly came rightly knocking on his door steps as well.He secured another position as Manager of an plantation in Kuala Kubu Bahru.Ken registered his marriage to his girl friend before joining this plantation

The European sector may not want him but fortunately there were Chinese owned plantations who would employed him.Now the question remained and will the time bomb in him explode.Well,for one even the purchase of a gun you require cash.To avenge he must also have cash.

Therefore he must be patient and also be perseverance and let that issue laid to rest temporarily.

Dreaming Cliff Richard

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chapter 5 The Ragging Fire Further Fueled

This was a larger plantation (5000 acres) all fully planted with rubber but extremely hilly.It was by any means a beautiful place,with plenty of highlands and fast flowing streams.Situated adjacent was a new village called Sungai Penjuring New Village,eight miles from town, whose residences were mainly Chinese.

Ken did not go there immediately for he first went back to his home town Telok Anson.
Well had to inform his family for one but most important was to steal a glance at the first and foremost love.He did not waste time and stayed only for the night.He meet his friends Moorthy (was to become also a planter in the future after Ken) and Yusof but no one else not even his previous gang.

That was the most positive step to take for he did want to run foul with the law.Any mistake will definitely destroy any future that was installed for him.He realized that making the best in life was very much up to him,and his every move makes the difference.

Next day he traveled by taxi to Kuala Lumpur putting up a night in an average Hotel before continuing his journey.He was fresh and did know how to get to Bentong,so he passed a night in Kuala Lumpur.Later he found out that he was another two hours away only.Before planning the trip he was advised to arrive at Bentong in the morning so that the Manager would pick him up.

Those days the K.L./Bentong road was narrow and winding.Poor Ken being not used to traveling on such winding roads vomited almost all the way.On arrival he had to wash himself and refresh first before dialing for the Manager informing of his arrival.The Manager did not come immediately as he was in the fields.

Two hour later the Manager reached the bus station.They had lunch together before going to the plantation.Ken was given place to stay at the second floor where the ground floor was the plantation's office.It was quite nice and cooling,in front of the wooden structures was the main road to Raub.In actual fact it was situated at the entrance of the plantation.

There were two rooms and a huge sitting hall upstairs and Ken choose the front room because it had many windows,definitely very airy.Bathing was a bath room.Water apparently drawn from the stream.That was the water they consumed daily and the color of it varies with the change in weather for example during rainy days the water is milky.So no need to add milk when making tea or coffee .The running stream was immediately behind the house.That was part of a planter's life,leave or take it-no other choice.

Ken soon settled down and was placed in charged of the second Division slightly more that 2500 acres all fully mature accept for a small area of immature rubber.The labor force was 70% Indians and 30% Chinese,all of the tappers with a few weeders.

All went smoothly for Ken and he all out to perform but that was unfortunately not good enough.The Boss visiting the plantation almost every month refused to increased all remunerations of staffs despite the good performances.Ken thus further fueled the anger and grudges against such a ruthless employer.

The Manager on the other hand could not lift a finger to help for that matter was beyond his control but he did well to encourage Ken to work harder by giving him a new motor cycle.Well.at least he could traveled around in style and smoothly,in the Company's account.That was great.

Then after a year or so came the bad news for Ken for his brother brought news that the girl he wanted to win had married.That news devastated Ken.His heart was shattered into shrews what can he do.He shivered with fear in shame and in astonishment--he wanted to kill himself.
Thinking how could this happened to him --Ken.

That was what he thought he would do but never brave enough,he was a coward.
It takes a very brave man to do that.That news stunned him for some time before he finally took it like a man and put up a brave front.In any case that he going straight had failed him tremendously he thought it wiser to live life as delivered to him.

His out look changed,he begin to date girls,for a young man his age that should not be a problem.He not only started to have girl friends he had dozen of them.Life following was in deed beautiful,something he missed while believing he could win her back previously.By fooling around with girls could not possibly land him into the long arms of the law.

He had a pleasant time with many but the stigma adhering in him previously kept pondering and disturbing his thoughts.For each flirting moment as he romanced with someone new the name and face of the first love kept coming afresh in his mind.He was at a lost,what shall he do?

Each time that happened he was forced to abandon the new acquaintance,as such he acquired the playboy tagged.That obviously was no good but was it his fault?.Yes and no.Jilting a girl was never fun,it hurts him just as much.A kiss then good bye was nothing new to him.The memories embedded in him kept haunting him.It was also here where he met his future wife and as usual love and left her in a lurch,what a cheating heart, was he?

His position in the plantation was never at stake.He was sent to the Outward Bound to attend a course and had passed two subjects offered by Incorporated Society of Planters.With these and his experience he secured a position in Kumpulan GoodTree Sdn Bhd., a European Company.

So after six years or so he succeeded in joining a bigger company.He was thrilled with joy imagining that he was on course for a better future.
On leaving his Manager gave him an excellent testimony, very important letter which in due course would carry him through out his planting career further in the near future.

In July 1966 he was placed in charged of a second Division in Sengkang Estate 2,some ten miles from Port Dickson.It was almost two thousand acres.A beautiful bungalow was allotted to him where the water was from a well.The well was never maintained so the water had a thin film of rust on the water surface.How do you like that?.

Before he could cleaned it,let alone settled down, he was asked to be transferred to another division namely Sungai Raya Division.This division was smaller with many acres of young mature rubber.Here he had a newer bungalow and better water supply.Hardly stayed there for two months he was requested to shift houses,surrendering his bungalow to the Training Manager.

Thus he had to share bungalow with another Assistant in the main Division.There he was given a baby's room,said to be more convenient for his movement because the baby room had its own bath room and entrance.Now how did he fare,he was supposed to share house with another and was treated thus.But he kept his cool.

The manager's bungalow was on the top of the hill,a stone throw away.Ken had to share food with the other man,that was to cut down expanses but he had a woman servant who apparently behaved like a "bomoh" or witch.She showed outwardly that she despised Ken as if Ken was stealing her lover,,amusing or not she had to be paid by him,too.

As a man Ken just took it with a shrugged.His Division was quite a distant away and every morning he had to go there by motor cycle,an old Trump.Ken was punctual at his office always before 6.00 a.m.He had only a senior conductor under him.

The manager visited the Division on almost three occasions and each time he asked Ken several questions,being new to their systems some questions were well answered but some he did not know.He hardly knew Ken.Things apparently went on smoothly but Ken had an accident where the old ramshackle,the estate motor cycle he was using, caught fire on its own.

The Manager was not impressed by the way he explained to him and he accused Ken of being negligent with the old motor cycle.Ken was afraid when he spoke to the White Manager and in fear spoke haltingly which further drove the Manager to the walls,shouting all sot of abuses.Later he toned down telling Ken to have it repaired at the workshop.

In that plantation he had a good friend in another Assistant,one Mr Peter Liew,it was he who offered to borrow him his motor cycle to use in the fields after his accident,how thoughtful of him.Not only that he also supplied Ken lunch and dinner for a month or so,and never collect any money for them or was it the foolishness of Ken that did refund him the cost of those meals?.Anyway,Ken was thankful for his hospitality.Ken owed him a favor indeed.

Then there was a supplying of a vacant space in the field where Ken was instructed to supply in a budded stump.Early next morning he instructed the Conductor to sent a worker to attend to it.Little did he know the Conductor just ordered a worker to plant that supply without seeing it done himself.The Manager was there to find that stump poorly planted and went crazy.Ken arrived at that spot slightly later as he had to attend to some other work earlier.When he tried to explain to the Manager who refused to listen.How unreasonable.Of course Ken was held responsible.

Then the manager went on two months leave.His position was taken over by the Senior Assistant,another Chinese.Before the Manager went on leave the plantation contractor threw him a lavish dinner.All the assistants including were also invited to join in.After dinner there was night clubbing at Seremban town,many dance hostesses sat with all of them.The contractor spent a lot of money that night.Wah,Ken thought he must be making a lot of money from the plantation.

This being a way of life in the corporate world,Ken knew this was dishonesty and he did not want to be a party to it.He knew very well that if he were the Manager he would not accept such an invitation.It purely was corruption at it worst and now having attended that dinner made him and all others accomplices.

When the Manager came back from leave he requested Ken to plant a leguminous cover plant which had huge tubers.Immediately Ken happily followed closely to instructions and propagated many of the Triloba cuttings.Surprisingly non of the cuttings survived and the Manager on seeing that,got absolutely wild that almost immediately issued a letter to Ken.

That saddened Ken because he was to be transferred to the Training Centre for a year.It was a demotion indeed.That really hurt Ken's ego,not that he never tried to achieve what was instructed.Nevertheless a mistake was a mistake although he adhered closely to instructions and the Manager's word was the order of the day he had to accept.With no where to go he accepted as to per instruction.

He erred but was never given a reprieved.Despite of his qualifications he was rejected.
The Manager acted beyond his jurisdictions,he should have terminated Ken's service with the Company or if he had a forgiving soul given Ken an extended probation failing which he can sacked him without further notification.Instead he demoted him,putting him in down to earth humiliations,absolutely very inhuman of a man his calibre.

The Manager was extremely bias and prejudice of him because he was recruited by another Senior Manager above him and Ken later knew there was enmity between the two with the former wanting to prove that what the other recruited was rubbish and that he was better than him.

Secondly Ken having been to Chinese owned plantation ,there he was bias and prejudice to Chinese trained planters.Ken's slow to catch what he was talking because of his slang and inability to answer some question posed by the Manager were standing proves against him.Not knowing some grasses names were a s minor issue and can easily learned certainly not as serious as to devour those grasses.

Thirdly his failures to supervise the supplying of a budded stump and to multiply Triloba cuttings led him down tremendously what a shamble.He followed or mistook the instruction that was all,no big deal.Everyone makes mistake and for a new man must be penalized heavily.

Fourthly the other Assistants especially the Acting Manager was never supportive of him.It was every man for himself.Ken relationship with the others was questionable.Some of then his "poker" mates.

Inability to express him self in English properly at that time was another setback.Being new to the Company there were many things Ken had to know.To brush up his way of expression was one important factor and the way he dressed played another major role.

The Manager had erred badly because he hardly knew Ken.First he was transferred about the first two months and had not settled down properly before he had to change houses etc.,thirdly the Manager went on leave for a month or so.Therefore his grading of Ken was outrageous,but this Manger thought he was the Master and can do what he liked and as he pleased.Well for that there is a God who had seen all his faults,he will pay for such foolishness,someday.If God do not not punished him "I will" said Ken.

There was no doubt that Ken erred but was not given the opportunity to prove himself.He hastily washed his hands off Ken without giving him at least a second chance.Furious as he was Ken remained cool, kept these within his soul.

By right the man to be demoted should be the manager for he was definitely corrupted in accepting the dinner and good time given by the contractor.Ken should have reported this to the Head Office which he did not.He being new the people above might not accept his report so he let it be.

Ken also missed the train ,because at that time little did he realized his childhood friend was Chairman of Good Tree.It was in later years that he learned of this from his brother.Yes,his childhood was Ahmad K.That was his nickname.Life therefore was funny,it makes fun of your life.That was his fortune in life.