Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chapter ! This Evil World

(This is my book which I had planned to write long,long ago.I am not writing about anyone in particular,just a simple story with ordinary settings.)

To err is forgive divine.

Easy said than done.To have committed a sin and then requesting for pardon.The harm committed could be so damaging and being frustrating beside disgusting and acknowledging its own weaknesses seek a pardon,is it possible.Possible pending the damages it had done and the severity were the consequences.

Many of these hatred were built up over a long period of time resulting in instant result like the deadly shooting of students and tutors in Colleges and Universities of the United States.

I had briefly studied these cases and found that all these began from trivial matters which slowly developed into a holocaust and when that blown out of proportions,the mass murders took place.

Before one looked into the faults why do not those concerned begin by looking at one self first.Examine all shortcomings that had transpired before,you will soon discover that all these could have been averted had they took the slightest initiatives to view of minor problems.Just take a little interest in it before ignoring any minor problem if found and corrected makes the difference.

But then I believe how many people do believe me,no one,I bet.But it does not bother me because I was only stating a mere tiny fact.So believing in me or not made no difference.Well all these were solely my point of view.Condemn me if you will.

On 6th.April,2007.a student of Korean decent,named Seung Hui Choi,aged twenty-three, with United States Permanent Resident status,an under graduate at Virginia Tech,went on a shooting rampaged that killed thirty-two students and tutors.The massacre was the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in U.S.history on and off camp

Apparently when in eight grade Choi had been diagnosed with severe depression as well as selective autism,a social anxiety disorder that inhabited him from speaking.His family had sought therapy for him and periodically received help throughout middle and high school.

While in college there were indications that he was bullied for speaking difficulties,slow in his thinking and also for his size compared to most white/black students was small in stature.Being the sole Asian student or Korean decent,there he had no friends where he could confide in, while the others were biased and shunned him.He was a misfit even among the outcasts.Thus he was forced to be a loner and kept much of the time to himself.

Being lonely he kept himself happy by watching Television and he definitely enjoyed those "Rambo" type of films screening on the TV set.As such when he could not controlled that hatred he had in him he dressed himself as one of his super heroes emulating them as well well arming himself for the final assault.Two loaded pistols and a gun with multiple clips of ammunition.

In college Choi had been accused of stalking two female students.Well.he just followed them around that was all and those above classified him as mentally ill or mentally depressed.At least one professor asked him to be counseled.Having an interest in some girls being an out cast was classified as psycho.All these little mistakes were erred,that made forgiving more difficult. Absurd,I would say.

He was only trying to be friendly with the girls, quite normal I think,but because it was mostly a white community people have their reservations against an Asian after their girls.Should they reject him they should ignored him instead of making a huge fuss over it,embarrassing him to the extend of putting him in disciplinary actions,which was unkind towards him.

Worst still they treated him as a criminal,he had committed no offense or hurt anyone.He was only following the girls with no evil intent.Neither did he bothered them or harassed them.He was at no time stalking those girls.If following was a heinous crime then he was stalking them but never.Should he had harassed those two girls they could have overcome him at ease and gave him a trashing of his dear life.I dare presumed those two girls must be bigger in size compared to him.

Subjecting him to all sort of trails and questioning was uncalled for remember he was an Autism child.Should have been treated as one,not to face a battery of so called judges at the College.What justice was that I do not understand.All these frightened the poor soul and ushered him to a corner with no self respect and dignity.Moreover he was just a lonely desperate,teenager,at the worst he should be treated as a juvenile delinquent.

Had he been in any Asian country he would not have suffered such fate.Even if he had the mind of becoming a hero there was no way he could easily obtained those dangerous arms, a rifle or two pistols.The gun law in another thing of great concerned but not for me to discuss.

The grudges embedded within kept building up until such time it exploded,and Hell broke loose.From the day he was admitted to undergo therapy his hatred began to built up and multiplied against the society,the psychologists,the students,the tutors and the professors.

With that gruesome murders finally he joined the ranks of notorious murderers at colleges like Charles Whitman,Dylan Kheboice and Boris Harris.

All the counseling and treatments were in vain because the methods employed were in effective for such a patient it only made him worst.Outwardly he pretended to be obedient and accepting what was told to him but within him he harbored hatred and dislike.Treating him as an ordinary patient was never right.Since he had autism he should be treat careful as one like a small boy.

With no care and comfort from all angles this time bomb suddenly exploded and became hostile emulating his heroes as depicted in many films.The poor youth must have erred under many circumstances but those who stood as judges against him should have been more forgiving if they themselves were God fearing people,instead of being lenient they took a stern stand against an frightened youth.

Thus begin my story.

No,no,allow me to quote another two stories other first.

The first one happened in Samson,Alabama,U.S.A.,a gunman shot and killed 10 people and then committed suicide after his rampaged across Alabama country side.Before that he had problems struggling to keep jobs and left behind a list of employers and co-workers whom he believed had wronged him.

Another case was that of a teenage gunman who shot down and killed 15 in German school. A 17 years old dressed in black combat gears killed 15 people in Southwest Germany on Wednesday shooting spree at his Boimer School.

I am of the opinion all these happenings could have been averted at ease had those murdered had practiced some sort of restrain towards these perpetrators.Knowing their characters I also believed they must have erred in many ways but being co-workers or employers or students,school mates and tutors must have an attitude of give and take.And most of all being God fearing be able to forgive and forget.

Instead of being so harsh and stern towards, these people many of whom were slow and irritating in their stubborn behaviors.It takes all types of people to make these world,and life is surely very short so why be so rough on these awful characters and drive them into a corner,where they will have nothing more to lose and go into an offensive against all who wronged them. Having a friend thus is better than having an extra enemy.

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