Friday, November 29, 2013

Chapter 8 Hell here I come

Chapter  8  
I Should Not Be Alive

It is wonderful to be alive but to survive at a rate of MR $ 100/= per day is no more funny.I know this would definitely bring a burden on to my entire family members.Worst is that there is not a single thing I can do to change all these.

Presently I am just a living parasite if not a vegetable nothing more.To keep me alive,my family has to forego many things.This disruption in their lives hurts my heart dearly.Of course this was never what I least expected.

The agony is that this is the second time I am given a reprieved of my dear life.The first time being the time twelve years ago where I survived a bout of cancer,Luekaemia (AML).That sickness depleted my small insurance insured by my company.

This time around I am down with kidneys problems where I am required to have dialysis to stay alive.With no insurance or other income my poor family got to take care of everything.It is costing a hefty $100/= a day to keep me around.What a shame for me to stay alive like that.

The agony is that I find no good reasons why I should be kept alive?.We were one happy family before this now we are surely to run into financial problems,not for me but for my family members.All for nothing accept to keep my wretch life in surviving on.I am nothing of any no significance.. least there is a friend who thinks that my being alive must have its significance and that there should be something worthy on its way at the end of the rainbow.Otherwise it should be a time where my children showed their graditudes and duties.Nevertheless this is not what I am pressing home.

Say what you may, it is still great to be alive and to survive two rounds of magnificient illnesses which could deprieved me of living on.Staying alive mean that I can see and play with all my grand children before I leave this world.Most important of all I can be with family for remaining days of my life,a thing which I dearly missed while I was working.

So I think it is a blessing to a alive .Not many could achieved that.Thank the good Lord for preserving  me all this while.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Chapter 7 My Operation At Sentosa Medical Centre

Yesterday ( 19/11/ 13 ) the day of appointment for my strap fitting operation at Sentosa Medical Centre.I arrived at that Centre as requested at 11.oo a.m.We got myself registered  almost immediately and waited for the Doctor to call us in,but as usual the Doctor never on time.Apparently that day was his seeing patients day.

 Nevertheless we waited until an hour later or so I was called up to 2nd floor where patients were rested before and after operation.There I was told to wait for the Doctor who who would only be due an hour or so later therefore I had to wait for him there.I went on to have a light lunch before returning to that ward.

Finally I was told to get ready for the Doctor.I was made to undress myself fully even false teeth had to be removed.Having stripped naked and put on that funny one piece  green rope I again rested on my bed to wait.It told a while when I was finally wheel chaired to the operation room.

There I was made to lie on the operating bed with hand stretched out (my right hand).The Doctor finally arrived and almost immediately operated on my wrist.There were some visitors looking on my operation.They were actually thee to watch the administration,a new product for operation.

Anyway that had nothing to do with me accept it was my hand that was operated on.The operation only lasted  half an hour.Slightly painful ordeal for me but most important everything  went on smoothly.Thereafter I requested to be released earlier by 3.00 p.m. as I had to attend to my dialysis at 4.00 p.m.

All went on well and I arrived at the dialysis Centre duly on time.Have to spend another four hours for the treatment.I had always wanted to avoid all these yet it was bestowed on me for no reason or for reason beyond my comprehension.If was for some reason I sure am not aware of.

I know for for sure I am going to be a burden to my family.It will definitely caused them some misery and most of all some money on an unworthy cause.I have lived my life fully and everything apparently over    they have their lives to live up to,so should perish earlier it would surely be very good for them.

With me out of the way they can easily led a happier life.So I should be dead that would be better the benefit of all. At least I would be well remembered rather than a condemn man..

Friday, November 15, 2013

Chapter 6 My Routine Hemothoggy Checkup

As per routine checkup I presented myself at about 6.30 a.m. and found the system changed.Now there was no need to line up for in place of is numbering machine>well it was to good for in the future,or was it?

Anyway I got my number being number 4 at that early I was fourth in line.I did my registration thereafter at 7.30 a.m. expecting to to have an early treatment and to return home thereafter.My blood samples was duly given a few minutes thereafter.

Further on I went on to collect my medications.After submitting my requirements to their respective counters I drifted to break my fasting at the canteen.I had not much time to waste anyway so I simply had a simple one of "char Koey Teow" and coffee Then on I collected my medicines.It was done very quickl.

Immediately I rushed back to my appointment with the checkup or rather waited for myself to be called up I wait,and I wait and I waited.But my number  was never called up at all instead others number especially those coming in later were being treated first.I smelt something fishy installed.Nevertheless I kept my patient.

Minutes passed then hours passed and patients coming in later were treated earlier  than the few of us who came in earlier.Five hours later I made my call at those relevant counters only to be told my folder had just been sent into to room where doctors were to attend to them.

However I checkup with the nurse at the room only to be told I would be duly attended to by a doctor.My call soon came and I was treated by a young doctor.It only took a minute as I had no complaints accept the ill treatment by those in autorithy.

I left the Centre thereafter at about 12.30 p.m. What A long wait.What was it ?,Nothing actually but sheer discrimination by certain nurses and hospital attendants.Their obstructions meant a lot to us elderly patients.Have they no mercy for the elders or the sickly?Have they no parents?I suspect a lot about racialism attached to this.

 But what can we common citizens  do but to vote the next better government next time around.But one thing is sure the more they discriminate us the more anger would roared us towards the opposition the more.Don't give up on us Anwar... .

Monday, November 11, 2013

Chapter 5 The Strap for future dialysis

To day my son took me to Sentosa Medical Centre to meet with an appointment with a Doctor to insert a strap in one of my hands for future dialysis.My present dialysis is done through the base of the throat.This is only on temporary basis.The appointment was to be 8.30 a.m. and it turned out to be a long long wait when the Doctor finally turned up at about 10.00 o clock.

My strap was not fitted then because I had consumed Disprin my medication I had to abstain from it for at least five days.The good doctor fixed the following Monday for my operation at between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.Three hours with only an hour for operation It is not going to be cheap for that operation will cost  us $ 1750/=.Till then I keep my fingers crossed hoping everything  will go on successfully 

Later while waiting for my son to come by I met an old man at the entrance of that Centre.What he told me gave a chilled.For he said that he had his strap done at that Centre which turned out to be a total failure.With that he had to redo the operation at Gleneagle at a hefty sum of $ 2800/-.Scary really,what should my operation be the same?

But then the good doctor had assured me that mine,everything should be okay  as my arms are fit and strong.The doctor pointed at two spots he would operate on.The first should be on my right wrist.Failing which he would performed it further up at the arm joint.Hopefully the operation is a success.

To be continued.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

CHapter 4 The Dialysis

My first dialysis turned out to be sort of nightmare for me.I was warded at the 8th floor of Menara Temor of the University Centre.Initially everything seem comfortable.Nice bed and well partition with curtains. But as time passed the ward's air condition seem to become cooler and colder beyond my expectations.I had to put on extra warm .

My first dialysis came that very evening,my very first taste of dialysis.Before that they had to insert an opening at the base of my neck.Slightly on the right end of my throat.Not long thereafter I was  carted into the dialysis ward  in my bed.This being so because I could hardly walk on my own there plus also I was attached to oxygen as I had difficulties in breathing.

That ward had many other patients doing the same.Similarly the air condition there  were extremely cold.Later I found out that the air condition for all the wards were centralized air conditioned so the no one in the ward could lay their hands on its control.I had my warn jacket on all the time plus blanket covering.Even with such I seen pretty cold and shivering most of the time.Waiting and listening to the nearby machine perform its duty on.

My thoughts automatically ran astray.What for per session costing somewhat $ 180/=,my blood were thus cleanse for lengthy time of four hours.Before long I had to go through the whole process for another twice per week.With that I am expected to live on.My life brought from hard earned money.It no money no life.What a tragedy to my life.

Another drastic thing and that is I would only be there for two weeks,thereafter to be transferred elsewhere.That being so because the Hospital has no space to cater for so many patients,patients increasing by the day.So my son has to go hunting around keeping our fingers crossed.

The side effects of the dialysis on my body were unbearable pain throughout after the first few session.I could only  lay straight on my bed but dared not row side way or even turn for that matter,,because it aches and crumbed  everywhere when ever I attempt to  turn.Should I sleep on in one position it would okay but too long sleeping in one position aches Bounded helpless in one position,a simple turn one require assistance of others.

But should that happened deep into the night who do you turn to.I had a host of nurses on duty sitting almost across my bed.It would not be nice to arouse them either from their work especially deep inyo the night.So.....Call to the devil they do not answer your plight.On the whole I never slept well those nights.I was quite fortunate as I still could slowly crept to the wash room on my own 

On the third evening I was released from the Ward,what a relief it was to be.Going back to  home sweet home.At home that night I slept in the sitting room for two nights as going up stair for me would be a problem because I could not move around with ease on my own.The first night I  slept on the arm chair .I could only stand up on my own to ease myself and no further.As routine my whole body aches with crumbs through out.AS far as possible I tried not to move so much until morning.

The following evening I tried sleeping on the floor.Nuturally sleeping was more comfortable but still I could not as I pleased especially deep into the night I had to begged for help to come down to assist me but late nights it was difficult even even to wake up the ghosts around.But help did come when my son heard my cries  for help.Mine,what a relief that was.

The next night I felt better and could crept to my own room where I be more comfortable.Although I could stand up and moved around my body still  had aches and crumbs.Still after lying in bed in one position I could hardly moved around as I please for still required assistance to help me.As the night before I had to beg for help.Deep into the night help do not come easily.As per previous night my son came running to me on hearing my helpless cries for help.

All these made me felt so helpless and useless.An old man who has lost all and was no more useful surviving on this earth anymore.To keep me alive will mean more money to be spend.I had always insisted on non dependence on anyone let alone my children but then that had been driven on to them,why it be like that?.I had worked hard my life to give them a comfortable living and now look at this happening.I am restoring or levying some heavy burden on them.

See,they too have their families to care for.I am now useless old man who has nothing to contribute  to any of them should be living on to waste away all the resources.It is not right they sacrificed their happiness so that I live on.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chapter 3 Beyond Expectation

Chapter 3   Beyond Expectation

On the 19th.October 13,I had to be accompanied by my son to meet with an appointment for a medical ckeckup at the University Medical Centre,Petaling Jaya.We were there quite early as we wanted to be in front when it opened up for treatments.That was why immediately I went in straight to register myself on arrival.

Thereafter I went in for the  measurements and weighing.However,the attending nurse stopped shot at me on seeing my condition of health.She insisted that I see the doctors with immediate effect.Nevertheless without hesitation she alerted the doctors.Further I was placed in waiting room for immediate treatments while waiting for the doctors in come in. This actually had caught  me by surprised as I was going in for  a simple checkup.True myconsidtion was not that impressive at a glance.

See,I was wheeled chaired into that room by my son.This being so because I could hartdly walk on my own and would also often ran out of breath.My whole body had swelled terribly.The attending doctor came in almost immediately.A simple look at me the doctor ordered that I be put under oxygen and after more examinations he explained to my son that I was in extremely bad condition and  oredred that  I be sent to emergency ward.

We were told how really bad my condition was and must treated immediately.I was also asked to make my decision on dialysis.The whole affair seemingly so sudden.There was no time even to say "no".There apparently no other way  out either accept it or ignoring it.Ignoring it would mean certain death for me or worst installed for me.

For me the doctor he said I was quite tough for I could still run around in my so bad condition.Some others could could collapsed long ago.Seeing neither way out and as I still wanted to live on I gave instruction that I be ready to accept dialysis.With that I was straight away warded  at the emergency ward.

Fate has been cruel to me.I had long planned to stay away from dialysis.I thought my kidneys could survive d the ordeal at 12% funtionabilty.How wrong I was  and actually there was nothing I could do I suspect was a breaking down process by the kidneys because of aging.Well I think you cannot fight that can I ?.As a consolation I think I had the better of life as I had been given by the Lord an extended twelve years of life.

I had long planned that should I not survive any longer I should not be a burden to any one let alone my own children.Not that I had doubts in the duties of them.With my getting sick so suddenly only proved the fate I survived in them all along.Now that my plans had been dashed what should I do?.My staying alive will now certainly caused untold miseries to them.Dialysis cost money and with much of my hard earned cash gone or depleted by now since I retired because of illness.

This will mean that my cash for my own treatment has reached its limitations.With that gone the rest will have to be dependent on my children.A thing I had dreaded for years is coming to reality,a thing I had never wished for.The idea of having to be a burden to anyone of them never crossed my mind.In any case they have their own family to care for.To rely on them would be quite unfair not that they are not reliable.So far it has proven beyond doubt that my children have not neglected me.

The Dialysis at the University Centre would be for two weeks only,thereafter I would be on my own.There are many such dialysis Centres around town but to seek a correct one is quite a challenge.I was fortunate this time as my son secured a Centre in Kepong not far from our home.However it was to be on a temporary basis only costing $ 180/= per dialysis.The arrangement is valid for two weeks only and after that who knows where I be.I will be having my first dialysis with starting to morrow evening.,

Going about the processing to this Centre alone were some hitches.There was to be a transfer letter from the Univesity Centre and a holiday could delay such .Then there was to be another blood test  privately as the Centre does not yield its report to anyone.So I had to undgo another round of blood test at a private clinic.All these cost money and delaid time.Thus my dialysis this time around is delaid by a day.

There should not be any delay especially for senior citizens.According to our law senior citizens above sixty years of age ought to be given free treatment at all government hospitals but sadly not so as patients for the dialysis exsisted places for treatments by many folds,The position is getting worst by the day.Thus everything is so opened to abuses by unscrupulous people.

Fortunately there were many good and kind souls still lingering around to offer free services to the needy.Such mostly non Governmental bodies offered free if not partial remittance of fees

For me these prices are beyond my expectations.I had wanted to abstained from all these to levy such burden on my children but fate had therefore been cruel to me.I had slogged  hard all my life working in plantations of private companies.The last company I worked for never paid me any graguity and their insurance nothing to shout about.What to expect from a company whose medical insurance for me was worst than that paid out by SCOSO.Well, one cannot cry over all these split milk.In any case we have gone passed all these and survived,so no point looking what had transpired.

Now presently must concentrate on the future,how not to be so dependent on anyone let alone my children.Is that possible?

to be continued

Friday, October 4, 2013

Chapter 2 Hell Here I come

Having contemplated on the whole issue of dialysis,despite  all encouragements from relatives and friends alike I draw the conclusion that it is best I stay away from it.I mean it does not pay to linger on to some thing that bear no importance or significance.My surviving continueously would definitely be sheer waste of time and money.I would never be a credit to anyone except in in being a a burdant

Time will tell that everyone alike would grow to hate and disown me on the long run.No,I am not anyone or accusing anyone of being unfaithful or filial towards me.On the contrary they would respect me the more for my sacrifice whatsoever.I mean going away peacefully without creating any problems for others like leaving a lot of messes around for others to mopped up.