Friday, November 29, 2013

Chapter 8 Hell here I come

Chapter  8  
I Should Not Be Alive

It is wonderful to be alive but to survive at a rate of MR $ 100/= per day is no more funny.I know this would definitely bring a burden on to my entire family members.Worst is that there is not a single thing I can do to change all these.

Presently I am just a living parasite if not a vegetable nothing more.To keep me alive,my family has to forego many things.This disruption in their lives hurts my heart dearly.Of course this was never what I least expected.

The agony is that this is the second time I am given a reprieved of my dear life.The first time being the time twelve years ago where I survived a bout of cancer,Luekaemia (AML).That sickness depleted my small insurance insured by my company.

This time around I am down with kidneys problems where I am required to have dialysis to stay alive.With no insurance or other income my poor family got to take care of everything.It is costing a hefty $100/= a day to keep me around.What a shame for me to stay alive like that.

The agony is that I find no good reasons why I should be kept alive?.We were one happy family before this now we are surely to run into financial problems,not for me but for my family members.All for nothing accept to keep my wretch life in surviving on.I am nothing of any no significance.. least there is a friend who thinks that my being alive must have its significance and that there should be something worthy on its way at the end of the rainbow.Otherwise it should be a time where my children showed their graditudes and duties.Nevertheless this is not what I am pressing home.

Say what you may, it is still great to be alive and to survive two rounds of magnificient illnesses which could deprieved me of living on.Staying alive mean that I can see and play with all my grand children before I leave this world.Most important of all I can be with family for remaining days of my life,a thing which I dearly missed while I was working.

So I think it is a blessing to a alive .Not many could achieved that.Thank the good Lord for preserving  me all this while.

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