Friday, January 18, 2013

Dead Man's Tales Chapter 17 When I Speak. You listen,listen listen....................

When I speak,you listen, listen,listen, listen, listen, listen,listen, listen,listen,listen.Those words spoken by an educated woman ,made her a tyrant.No lady in the right frame of mind would have yield them out like that,let alone in a university.It transformed her into a monster nothing less.It showed her immaturity ,badly brought up.

Without the slightest doubt she was a trained brain washer.Armed with some mighty force behind her she took full advantage of every thing trying to  bull doze her way to stress her point ,loud and clear.She simply could not careless whom she offended.Being such she yelled out stupidly and blindly without fear or honor,let alone substance.Being a trained professional she thus was a disgrace to whom she represented.

With such people chairing the forum of a university,it is best not to sent your children to study at such institution of higher learning.Although the University disclaimed any connection with her but they cannot just disown her like that.If she was not theirs then how come she could chaired a forum there?. By now you should know who I was talking about. 

It was plain brain washing and this made much clearer when some other students from Kuala Lumpur  are offering her a place or an opportunity for her to redeem herself.They suggested a debate between her and the under graduate.To me that would be rather unfair.A tiny undergraduate against a professional speaker or a graduate.

Should I be the undergraduate I would not give her that chance to redeem herself.No way,allow her to yell her heart's out at that forum alone.Without the under graduate's presence her talking would be rendered useless.Let her chased her to regain her honor .The under graduate has nothing to gain in any debate,win or lose.While  the other party is fighting for survival. The undergraduate is now a heroine and she,the infamous bully .With that she might soon be written off and stored in a freezer by her Bosses.

Such outrageous behavior were nothing new to us planters in the planting sector.Watching her behaved so badly reminded me as a planter.Oh yes I remembered those days while I yelled at my subordinates they just stared defenseless blankly at me.Not single one of them dared replied my talking to them.With bend heads they nodded acceptance at all my instructions.It was cruelty but what can I do?.

When they were in the wrong and I was there to correct them or make them work accordingly as per instructions from me.I was stressing my point strongly to them.They had no alternative but to accept my instructions and follow as requested.However,my instruction if wrongly prescribed then the responsibility for on me.So listen,listen they must.

My subordinates did not have any choice but to listen and obeyed accordingly.In the University students are there to learn and in doing so they have the choice to voice their opinions/Whether those instructions or opinions be wrong or not true does not matter.They have the right to express themselves there and then.Others would have the right to veto them if wrong or differ.

In the plantation it would be different because only the Manager makes the decisions and all workers had to obey blindly right or wrong.Should he made the mistake he would be held responsible not the workers.His actions could result in his sacking without investigations.The workers would not be held responsible.The Manager could not shift the blame on them.

However  being an estate manger had their finer moments.

to be continued.

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