Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dead Man's Tales Chapter 18 Should I Be Given A Second Chance.....

Heaven forbibes,should I be given a second chance in life what would I do?.Good Lord should there be one would I be smarter than before?.Well,no one ever gave me that opportunity but indulged in deep dreaming would be excellent.Yeah, some wishful thinking.No truth what so ever does not matter,just wild imaginations.It should make me smile a little and with a giggle say,"what the heck?".It surely made my day.

In reality,giving others a second chance  might ultimately led to your own downfall.Most people are revengeful as proven in history.Great leaders never gave anyone that second chance.In  Chinese history there were many such story.The most being one where a warring general Liu Pei was defeated the great geberal Chang.Liu Pei through his cunningness pleaded for mercy.

Being generous and soft hearted General Chang took mercy on him to forgive and set him free.In return when Lui had re-established himself again,he took on Chang and defeated him.With that victory he gave orders to his men to pursue and beheaded Chang,showing no mercy..So the treacherous Lui Pei did not give him even an opportunity to plead for his life.

That was part of Chinese history. So history does repeat itself.It was the same with other history.I too learned the hard way that should you put some one out of action you ought to see to it that he cannot return to turn the table on you.Kindness ought to consider but never to an enemy,

Enemies are always enemies.They can never be your friends.Yeah,the bible says otherwise like "Forgive your enemies".Yes,good  but be careful, beware of them.Or never turn your back to them.

Bestowing a  second chance of myself would similarly just as futile.True for me I could correct  all the wrongs and mistakes I made but having all those things like served on a plate belated no favor.How would that be when you become all of aa sudden so smart and achieved the inevitable without any tolling hard for them.

Throughout history had taught us that it were by mistakes of trial and errors that made the beautiful world the way it is presently.So as  they say."Rome was no built in a day".Just imagine what a world would be  should everyone behaved and performed as normal.Then there be no insanity.Or the crazy would  called us insane,

The only place where people lived in harmony is a place we called Heaven.That should be the second chance for each and everyone of us.So that all the righteous and God fearing shall ultimately dwelt.A saintly place.Hell is for evil doers or bad,bad men and women.That the place where crooks,thieves,prostitutes and all other evil doers.Should you like to enjoy life after death that should also be the place you should envy.

All the above are here say only,no one had been to Heaven or Hell although there were many who claimed they have been there.It is a universal believe.You have to really die first to realize it.In the meantime just dream on.

Coming back to that should be given a second chance to relive my life.This somehow was a wishful thinking no reality.Being a good dreamer is something at least you keep your brain fully occupied and reflected in you some
wishful smile.Putting a beautiful smile is quite difficult but doing it yourself can be self satisfying.Should there be no reality  so what it was only a day dreaming.

Dreaming is an art which can bring joy and happiness to one self.Day dreaming can led one astray but as long as you do not over do it go over board with that dream and it do not hurt anyone or  yourself- it is practically alright.Once one crossed that border line in dreaming that could eventually drive one self crazy.Then you can be insane.  

Say what you may but I think insane people were the happiest people in the world,They carefree  of the world passing by them no matter what,For they have no worries at all.They do not worry about their next meal or where it came from they could devour any rubbish from any dump.They waved and danced around the streets as though the whole world belonged to them.Only the unscrupulous took advantage of such beautiful cheerful people.We have such cruel animals within our midst - sad to say.

In my day dreaming I always imagined that how nice it would be should I be given a second chance in my life.Life should not be the same or could that be possible.No,I perceived not.Because I cannot possibly changed things which were already there.For I had no magic wane to transform my family's fortune.It was going down in a bad bad state.

We were all then too young to understand all those.So how do I relive and changed things then and there.Perhaps  I could in stead of being lazy over my studies and excelled with plenty of hard work.But then without any guidance hard work alone would not bear fruits.So what changes could I have made.So the second chance would not come in handy it remained at square one.

In school I was considered an average  student if given a second chance to possibility of mine being able to transform into a better student does not hold water.Jobs were scared then,even our father had failed in securing any better jobs.With his education not exceeding that of junior middle three, he stood no chance in getting any reasonable employment.

Further he was by far a spoilt brat that made matters even worst.The family's fortune had dwindled to almost zero and so to improve himself through never existed if any there was insufficient capital to work on.Neither was he complitative enough to complete in this world of business.Being a spoilt child his little capital under him  never lasted long.So to me any second chance dimmed hopeless.

Our poor mother remained as it was helpless.What little help she could she did.Being a woman  there not much she could had done.The only thing she was used  was to tap rubber for small holders.The merger income she brought back help us to tie over our food bills nothing more.That was how we survived.There was a time when we were forced to live in a rubber estate's quarter.

All of us were then too young to work is any the wages alloted were even smaller.Life was hard but one thing we never lining on starvation despite our wrecked conditions.Our sister passed the School Certificate Exam.with flying colours studying under adverse conditions of just the dim lighting of a kerosene lamp.

There  after two years later I began working in the rubber plantation in Taiping,Perak.Should be given a chance  to relive that what changes could could i possibly made to transform things.No much I supposed.Because jobs were scared in that era.Considering the various options I think I could achieved nothing at all.Working hard was no criteria the as I was slogging the hell out to achieve something but not making any head ways.

So I with due considerations I think what had transpired was good sufficiently for that period of time.I remember an uncle telling me that I could had done better by going all out privately - individually tackling private small holders and taking a few at a time.That idea was good but with my tender age and with not much known achievements and experiences where do I stand?.It was not so easy as said as no one would trust an unknown young "Chiku",let alone allow me to handle their properties.

Another thing being environmental. Our small holders prefer tp handle the small holdings all by themselves and worked accordingly.The meager earnings from those small holdings were justifiably sufficient for their own consumption.Should they allow some one else beside them selves to haaandle  their properties where else could they go.Loiter around coffee shops,yearning away?.Anyway that was their normal duties before and after work.So no way that idea suddenly become a very stupid suggestion.That was never the small holders or slightly bigger ones' culture, anyway.

So unless I relive with a "Midas touch" there were no way I could had changed things for the better.We older generation like to day dreamed about about past and lament over all those foolish mistakes we had undertaken.In reality it took all the mistakes to establish what we are today.Should there be no yesterday there would never be a  today,Well it was surely a long long way to come to what we are these days.At least we  could live to brag about in many days to come.So come what may it surely is glad to be alive.

 History does repeat itself but not  us.What were done cannot be undone.Therefore there is no second chance and will never be.The world just had to roll on and on,flattening all all hopefuls of another chance.

To be continued

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