Sunday, April 12, 2009

chapter 11 Playing Truat

Fabian went to Secondary schools and had to walked all the way to school.the distance was slightly about a mile or so.

In the afternoon in 1956 he was enrolled to study Mandarin at the Anglo Chinese School.Lessons began at 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.So every day he had to hurry back home and then attended classes again thereafter.Fortunately his Auntie offered to ease his burden by allowing him to take a bath at her house which was a stone throw from the school.

There was a fee of $5/= per month for those attending these afternoon classes.$5/= was a lot of money those days and being from a poor family,payments of school fees were all the time late.

Students there were taught to read and write in Chinese (mandarin)plus also caligraphy with Chinese brushes.Initially the results of Fabian were very good and top the class but after two years his studies in Chinese took a down ward turned.

Chinese classes was organized to assist Chinese students for the learning of Mandarin (the National language of China).Most of the students were recruited from all the existing English schools especially those studying in the morning.Therefore there was a mixtures of students and co-educated.The actual organizers were The Methodist Church (Chinese).

In mhis class were girls from the Convent School.Those were the days Fabian had some girl friends.The girls had funny sounding names.One was Woo Pai Lain and Fabian used to disturbed her as Miss Five Hundred years as translated into English.Then there Gin Hua,a Miss golden flower and others.What so funny?Is it funny?

Everything went on smoothly for two years.Yes it was in the third year that Fabian began to show neglect in his Chinese studies and sadly also began to play truant.He stayed away from classes because his family cannot even pay for his school fees of $5/=.

His teacher Mrs.Teh was surprised at his truancy and learning it was because of failure to pay the fee,thus dropping out,showed mercy on Fabian.She sent word to Fabian requesting him to attend classes and that non payment of fees should not be the problem for failure to attend class.

Fabian was too shy to accept the kind offer and continue staying away.
Thus ended his Chinese study.Whatever it was he stopped his Chinese education but continued on with his secondary education in Anglo-Chinese School.Armed with almost three years of Chinese education Fabian could read and write Chinese.

Was it good enough?

To continue at a convenient time

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