Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chapter 13 Fabian lost a Friend

In early 1959 Fabian lost a friend who was called Soon,a friend who was two years or more his senior.It was him who taught Fabian how to tackle History papers and also equipped him with notes on that subject,for Senior Cambridge Examinations. Fabian subsequently scored A1 for that paper.

Actually Fabian met him when he came calling after his sister's result was announced.He,himself was a top scorer but not better than Fabian's sister. He continued his studies in Anglo Chinese School,Ipoh.

He,Fabian and Kee another friend became very good friends.One evening he went to the wharf with a girl friend and slipped by mistake into the river and was washed away.His body was not recovered within two days.

The worried family's brother then embarked to find the corpse himself.He got Kee to assist him and Kee in turn requested Fabian to join in.So they met at 10,00 a.m. the next morning at the wharf where a boat man was waiting.It was a hot sunny morning.

As the tide was receding the boatman rowed according to the flow of water towards the river mouth.After a short distance they came across an outlet stream and Kee suggested the boatman to row in side it to have a look.Sure enough after about three chains or so,all noticed something floating among some weeds and robbish at the right edge of the stream.

On closer look,there it was the bloated body of a man floating.By its clothing Soon's brother could identify that it was his brother.There were flies flying all over the exposed part of the body.There were many fish bites all over.There was also stench of smell emitting from the body and it was really awful sight to behold.

The Authority were informed and the corpse recovered and stored at the Mortuary.It was a very sad day in deed for Fabian and Kee. At that solemn moment both shed a tear or two for the loss of a good friend.

The funeral was arranged and a huge crowd of students,friends and relatives came and paid their respect at the mortuary.After all necessary rites were performed the funeral was over.Kee and Fabian did not sent the dead to its burial ground as they had no transport to follow.

That ended their sad day.Their friend maybe gone but his memories lingers on.For Fabian took his sound advised seriously and it showed good result in the end.Kee often came around to see Fabian and they remained very good friends.

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